Life Support Argumentative Essay

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If someone is dying, it usually means that loved ones and friends are already preparing for the worst. They are getting the funeral ready and sending out invitations. The doctors are coming in occasionally and checking on the patient, but it is a matter of time. Should people should be kept on a tightrope seeing their loved one suffer?

Life support is a controversial topic. It’s a risk that is willing to be took. According to CBS News, Rebecca Leung did an investigation on a man with a condition. They can’t reveal him because of privacy rules. Ken Berger is head of the ICU at Bellevue Hospital. He told CBS News, “He has got hepatic failure, renal failure, cardiac failure, respiratory failure, he has no blood pressure. And he's septic” (Berger)."He …show more content…

Life support is then taken into action. Doctors give them the treatments to sustain his or hers life. “Because life support does not guarantee that a patient will recover, it is often a lose-lose situation. The family will end up broke and the patient will die. This is because it is almost always a guarantee that someone on life-sustaining treatment will breathe their last once a machine is removed. It is usually just a matter of days or may be minutes when a ventilator or a cardiopulmonary resuscitation is removed that a patient will die” (ConnectUS). Sometimes there is some hope to life support. The extended time frame that the life-sustaining treatment provides allows the family to have hope, come to terms with the traumatic event, accept the situation, and have more time to grieve. This also gives doctors a chance to continue to evaluate the patient and provide newly discovered treatment if, there is any. There have been cases that a patient fully recovers, after being put on life support, but the percentage of this happening is not that high. Nonetheless, the time given for the family to hope and for the patient to survive is invaluable”

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