Life Of Pi And Religion Essay

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Pi describes his childhood experiences about his father’s zoo in Part one of the novel. As a child, he viewed Pondicherry Zoo as a place of peace and comfort. Throughout his time on the Pondicherry Zoo, Pi received negative comments regarding the animal’s life on the zoo, such as; “I have heard nearly as much nonsense about zoos as I have about God and religion. Well-meaning but misinformed people think animals in the wild are “happy” because they are “free.”” (Martel 14). But Pi had a different view point regarding the state of the animal’s freedom at the zoo and the religious viewpoints of people. He believed that people view freedom and religion through a lens of illusions, that in reality, people were viewing freedom and religion from a wrong perspective. In the novel, people believe that animals in the zoo are not truly free. They view that animals should belong in the wild, because they are deprived of their freedom and live domesticated lives. Pi disagrees with the people’s viewpoints, he states that, “Animals in the wild lead lives of …show more content…

He uses an example of animal freedom to represent people’s religious disposition. Just as the people’s illusion of freedom, they don’t understand what it means to be free of a religious structure of belief. Pi believes that Atheists are not the arrogant one in life but agnostics are. “I’ll be honest about it. It is not atheists who get stuck in my craw, but agnostics. … But we must move on. To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.” (Martel 21). According to Pi, like an animal in the wild, an agnostic lives life like a roller-coaster, ups and downs, but a religious person doesn’t have to go through that because they have a sort of a protective enclosure of security and

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