Life In The Trenches Narrative Report

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Adrien Stapleton Douaumont Ossuary May 17, 1917 Dear Mom It’s been a long time since I said that to you. I’m doing fine even when it’s getting tough and risky I still take chances to help my country and to make you proud. How are you and the rest of the family? When I started in the military, It all started so cheerfully. There was gorgeous weather and all the troops were ready to start their routine. We would wake up early, all stand in line with are rifles ready and loaded for half an hour at the” Front line sentry duty it was anything but boring, it was lonely and frightening. The soldiers were positioned at intervals down the row watching for and paying attention for any extraordinary activity which in most cases is enemy movement. The …show more content…

“.Usually Dawn to Dusk was the times where the enemy would likely to strike. After that we would do some checks on equipment or dig in the trenches. I don’t want to worry you but life in the trenches is very poor. Whenever it rained, the water would pool up down towards the bottom of the trenches. All soldiers had to step in all that water every day until it dried which took very long, many would end up having trench foot. Most people said the rats were big as cats. Rats and lice the trenches with a huge stench. Also the only way we were able to take a shower was after 4 days after trench duty. When we had to sleep we were provided bunk beds because it saved allot of space. The food that was given to us was often repetitive and tasteless. The rations we ate were often small, at the start it was different but later on it got boring. And the drinks they gave us were tea. I didn’t have the guts to use the washroom, I was guessing there was also many diseases spreading I guessed it was mostly through bathroom use. I didn’t make that much friends mostly because it was war I keep them close so we can keep watch while one sleeps. 3 people including me: Alfred& Edmond. Are method is 1

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