Life Gives Us Problems, We Are the Solution

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We live in a world we didn’t choose, became a member of a family we didn’t pick and grew in a community we may not want. Who we decide to be or what we want to become is not entirely a product of our own decision, but most likely influenced by the external trends of how the world told us to be who we are. I agree with what Karl Marx has said: “Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by them, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past”. Before we are born, the status quo is already there. Regardless of us liking it or not, it is something we need to be part of. Be that as it may, we are not left having no rooms for choices to make. We have the liberty to choose whether to allow ourselves to be enslaved by the dictates of the existing societal structures and norms, or to refuse to blend in and transform the contracts we do not want the next generation to inherit.
1. Two-Faced Country
In the country I’m from, the Philippines, there has been an existential presence of failed generation contracts in numerous faces. In 2013, whenever a child is born, the child has an approximate debt of Php 56,000 (more than 900 Euros) instantly , whether the child accepts it or not. Basing from a report written by Jubilee Debt Organization, many people remain out of reach from health care services, causing six out of ten Filipinos who become sick die without ever seeing a doctor . Inequality is evident in the widening of the gap between the rich and poor in the Philippines. A data from the World Bank revealed that the net worth of the top 10 billionaires in the country accounts for 15.4% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) i...

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