Life Cycle of the Malaria Parasite

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What is the disease:
Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease to humans and other animals which is caused by parasitic protozoans.
You develop it by a female infected mosquito with parasites transmitting its bite through the skin. This can cause severe redness on the area and continuous itching which can cause the bite to inflame.
Malaria is quite rare in countries such as the United States, but it is most commonly found in countries such as Southern Asia and Africa.
It is said that there is 20 species around the world but there are 4 most common species that cause the disease in humans a few are known as:
Plasmodium falciparum, this is the most deadly out of all 4 to humans this lies in the salivary glands of the mosquito and it is transmitted to humans by the females of the Anopheles of the mosquito. As the mosquito takes the blood from the human during the process it only injects a tiny amount of its saliva into the skin wound, with this the saliva has antihemostatic molecules and anti-inflammatory enzymes within it which slow the body’s natural blood clotting process and produces the itching/stinging pain.
P.Vivax, this is the most frequent and widely distributed cause of malaria that reoccurs it’s also one of the most common kinds of parasites that infect humans. It can cause very violent headaches, high fever, vomiting, abundant sweating & expansion of the spleen.
P.Ovale, this causes tertian (recurs every second day) malaria in humans. This species is very closely related to both plasmodium falciparum and P.Vivax. P.Ovale has a quite inadequate dispersal.

General Life Cycle of the Malaria Parasite:
• The female Anopheles mosquito which transmits the malaria parasites feed on the person when the mosquito has pierc...

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... to simply stop it from being transported around the body where it will lead to it processing itself to critical stage where it could lead to death, which is the whole reason of why it should be diagnosed and treated by a doctor as soon as possible to eradicate the possibilities of complications and death.

Works Cited

Carter, Mendis. (2002). P.vivax: Disease. Available: Last accessed 16th Jan 2014.

Jason White. (2004). Malaria. Available: Last accessed 16th Jan 2014.

NHS. (2009). Malaria - Antimalarials. Available: Last accessed 16th Jan 2014.

NIH. (2012). Life,Cycle of the Malaria Parasite. Available: Last accessed 16th Jan 2014.

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