Levis Research Paper

595 Words2 Pages

Alicia Mitchell
April 8, 2015
History: 3
One product of the 1800s has been used for centuries. They are Blue Jeans. Blue Jeans were invented in the west. The settlement of the west and people like Levi Strauss can be reflected with pride. Levi Strauss's story is a story unique to westward expansion and must be explored.

Levi Strauss had many experiences growing up. Born to German-Jewish parents, Hirsch and Rebecca Strauss, in Buttenheim, Bavaria (Germany) on February 26, 1829 (learn.pacificcoastimmigration.org). After levi's fathers death in 1845 Levi's two oldest brothers moved to New York to live in the large jewish community. Soon after in June 1847 Levi, his mother, and his two youngest sisters moved to New York to be with there family. Levi started working when he was young. Levis two oldest brothers, Jonathan and Lippmann, created a dry goods business called J. Strauss Brother & Co, in "Little Germany," …show more content…

He Arrived in San Francisco on March 1853, joining two older brothers and a sister. He began working as a salesman for his brothers company, but also started his own company with his brother-in-law, David Stern (learn.pacificcoastimmigration.org).
It soon became clear that miners mostly need sturdy pants that could withstand the harsh life of a miner. Making sure his customers got what they needed, Levi hired a seamstress to create pants with hefty denim fabric. After a while Levis family joined him in San Francisco. Louis Strauss traveled back and forth from New York to San Francisco even though by 1856 he joined Levi in the business. Later Levi's mother, Levis sister, Fanny, her husband, David Stern, and their child Jacob, moved from New York to San Francisco to join Louis and Levi. Then Levis became big. Strauss’s big break came in 1872, when he was approached by Jacob Davis, a Nevada tailor who had developed a new process for securing the seams of denim pants. The new pants became an instant

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