Levels Of Architecture: The Case Study Of Biomimicry In Architecture

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Biomimicry is nature inspired designs. The design of the building form or function is evolved from any form of nature by imitating the nature to solve human problems. High rise buildings have high environmental impacts which can be solved through biomimicry as a response to sustainable problems. For any high rise buildings using biomimicry concepts the solutions to the problems can be given through sustainable means that is biomimicry increases sustainability in high rise buildings. This paper discusses about the research on biomimicry, various levels of biomimicry and their applications in high rise buildings with the help of case studies. It results various design approaches and principles.


1. Introduction
2. Biomimicry in Architecture
3. Biomimicry approaches
• Design looking to biology
• Biology influencing design
4. Biomimicry levels
• Organism level
• Behaviour level
• Ecosystem level
5. Biomimicry in High rise buildings
• Biomimicry to increase …show more content…

Bio - Life, Mimicry - Immitation. There are other forms of biomimicry, like biomorphic, bio-utilization, and biophilia. Biomorphic is the mimicking of natural forms like designing a building that resembles the form. Bio-utilization is the direct use of nature like using of tress on site for shading. Biophilia is creating a strong bond between humans and other living organism which create a comfortable environment by using nature. Biomimicry in architectural terms mimics biological forms, processes and functions seen in nature to bring architectural solutions which can be used for sustainable solutions. There are many definitions for Biomimicry by various researchers one such is Janine M Benyus, defined Biomimicry as “a new discipline that studies natures best ideas and then imitates the designs and process to solve human problems”. Guber defined Biomimicry as “The study of overlapping fields of biology and architects that show innovative potential

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