Lennie's Power

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Does power equate to happiness in Of Mice and Men Many people spend their lives working to obtain power only to find they have wasted their time. In Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, there are several instances when this can be seen. Many Characters find that they may have power but haven’t done everything they want to in life. Steinbeck suggests having power does not equate happiness. He illustrates this through the characters Lennie, Curley, and Curley’s wife. Lennie has robust strength, but he is often woebegone after mistakenly murdering people and creatures. His raw power is best demonstrated when, “every bone in his (Curley’s) hand [is] bust” by Lennie (64). This shows that Lennie has insane power, smashing Curley’s hand and could have whatever he desires by threatening people. Another example is when Lennie unwittingly breaks Curley’s wife’s neck (91). Lennie doesn’t know his own power and accidentally hurts people often. He doesn’t like …show more content…

The ranchers understand her power, “Don’t even look at the bitch. I don’t care what… she does. (Steinbeck 32) Curley’s Wife threatens the ranchers when they cross her saying, “… you know what I can do to you if you open your trap… I could [have] you strung up on a tree so easy it [isn’t] even funny.” (80-81). This shows that she and the ranchers understand her power and will not take any chances. But even with all her influence on her husband’s colleagues’ lives she still isn’t content with her life. When Crooks suspects she is flirting with the group he suggests she leaves she responds, “Sure I [have] a husband you[‘ve] all seen him. Swell guy [isn’t] he? Think I’m [going to] stay in that two by four house.” (78). These remarks show that Curley’s wife regrets being Curley’s wife and despite having power. It also shows that she wishes she could pursue her dream of being an

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