Lennie Killing

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Killing the only friend that was there since the ability to remember; each other against the world now pulling the trigger to kill them almost instantly. This killing brought attentions of those worldwide to one topic, mercy or murder. The reason what made the world questioning those topics, was the book Of mice and Men written by John Steinbeck. The scene of George killing Lennie still lingers from the 1930s to current time 2017. Lennie Small, though he may not be small, is mentally ill and has George to take care of him because they have a strong bond no one can ever understand. George later on kills Lennie because he felt to bring the matter into his own hands; killing Lennie almost instantly with only one pull of the trigger on the back …show more content…

To show how it was a mercy killing, Rivera says “Mr. Adamson said. ‘But it was not likely that she was ever going to recover to the point where she could care for herself’”(Rivera). This shows that his wife was very ill and there was a vey small chance for her to get better, and if she were to get better she still could not be able to magae herself without help. Lennie is the same way; where he can not take care of himself due to his lack of responsibilies. If he were to get better is would also be a very small chance due to the lack of technology in the setting and time period. Therefore, it was a mercy killing of both Lennie and of Mrs. Wise. Another example on how it is mercy killing, it says “The weepy mother confessed to taking Jude Mirra’s life in February 2010 at the swank Peninsula Hotel but insists that it was a ‘mercy killing’ to spare him from abuse at the hands of almost half a dozen people” (Rosenberg). This evidence proves how it was mercy killing for both Jude and Lennie. George and Judes mother both felt they had to do something to help their son and friend. Otherwise, both Lennie and Jude would suffer from more pain due to others and from their disabilities. This would happen to get the same result or close to what either one of them did. Therefore, the killing of Lennie was indeed a mercy killing rather than a murder, because it was to stop Lennie from going through tormentation and pain

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