Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck develops Lennie into a beloved but rather stoic character to pull at the heartstrings of his readers. Lennie loves to pet soft things, is blindly devoted to George and their vision of the farm, and possesses incredible physical strength. John Steinbeck also makes Lennie seem doomed from the beginning. Steinbeck develops Lennie’s character through dialogue throughout the story. When Lennie is first introduced in the story it is done by George scolding him about his memory “‘So you forgot that awready did you?’” (Steinbeck 4). The quote gives an insight into Lennie’s life and how he is very forgetful. His forgetfulness is part of what makes him doomed in life. Lennie is also portrayed as a static and flat character.

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