Legion: An Exegetical Analysis
In this analysis I will be drawing from five passages found in Mark 5: 9-13, which is the story of the demonic possession by the demon which is called Legion. I will be drawing on the context of the whole passage which is Mark 5: 1-20, but my main focus and purpose of this analysis is to shed light on verses 9-13. I have referenced three different versions of these passages in different Bibles, the KJV, NIV and the NRSV, but I have found no significant difference, so the context in which I will use these references bares no large concern to the analysis, other than to show a harmony of the translations.
While this occurrence is accounted in the other synoptic Gospels, Mark gives us the longest and most detailed account of this occurrence. This is also the longest and most detailed occurrence in the gospel of Mark. This occurrence happens in the country of the Gerasene’s, which is stated in verse one of Mark 5, which it is uncertain exactly where this location is, but the herd of swine found in verse eleven of Mark 5 indicates that this is a territory of the Gentiles. Nothing about this land is kosher; everything was unclean; spirits, tombs, swine and the territory, but Jesus still had power just as much as in the land of the Jews. Which will prove to be of significance in my analysis when I start to touch on verses 9-13. The accounts found in Matthew and Luke is more vague than the account in Mark, which is rich with detail. This could mean that Mark may have had access to an eyewitness account of the event.
In verse 5 Jesus asks for the name of the unclean spirit that has possessed the man in which he replies, “My name is Legion; for we are many.” This is characteristic of the ancient belief that knowledge of a name gave you power over your adversaries. This was also evident in verse 7 where the demon already knows who Jesus was and says his name to try and have a somewhat of an upper hand. The fact that he replied with the name Legion which is actually a number rather than a name shows that the demons were trying to get out of a situation in which they felt powerless.
This shows significance in two ways, in that Jesus had power over the demons even though he knew not their names and in the fact that this is not only one demon of Satan’s work, but a whole army.
Lewicki, J. R., Barry, B., & Saunders, M. D. (2010). Negotiation: Readings, exercises and cases
... of evil against you, for my sake. Rejoice and exult, because your reward is great in heaven; for so did they persecute the prophets who were before you" (Matthew 5:11-12).
b. “Many people have a difficult time properly identifying a true Pit Bull, so added to the statistics are those dogs that have been misidentified. Considering these factors, the actual number of attacks attributable to American Pit Bull Terriers is considerably lower than represented,” according to the real pit bull. i. Do you think a 4 pound Pomeranian dog would hurt anybody? ii. Stated in the Dog Bite Law, “The most horrifying example of the lack of breed predictability is the October 2000 death of a 6-week-old baby, which was killed by her family 's Pomeranian dog.” a. The American Temperament Test is a test that measures a dog strong avoidance, unprovoked aggression, and panic without recovery. “American Pit Bull Terriers passed the test at a rate of 85.3%,” according to Pitbulls.org. They have the highest test scores, and they out beat the golden retriever “family dog” by 7.7%. iii. I identify the justice of my rival’s claim, but I disagree with my rival’s 100 percent about pit bulls having the highest attacks. c. Now you can see how my rival made a mistake because they didn’t evaluate and understood the facts as clearly as they
...ociated Press published an article “Pit Bulls are A Danger to Society,” yet this year, the same publisher issued an article “Attitudes and Laws Against the Pit Bull Soften – The Big Story” in which the Pit bull advocates hail the changes as recognition that breed-specific laws discriminate against dogs that are not inherently aggressive or dangerous should not be discriminated against or victimized. The debate puts millions of pit bull owners up against a relatively small group of activists against the breed and challenges the notion that Pit Bulls that are well-cared for had any history of aggressive behavior in the first place, closing the argument by again stating what the Canadian Encyclopedia explained, that their actions were just a park of the cycle of favorites and least favorites that has always been and always will be in the history of ownership of dogs.
In the Eagle, the disappearance of the Ninth Legion gives a fictional character, Lucious Flavious, the undying fire to find the missing legion and eagle. His drive for finding lost legion was for his father and his family’s honor. He struggles with the lack of support from Emperor Hadrian and his leading officials. Flavious set off to be a general of an army in Britain so that he could be stationed near the location of where the Ninth Legion disappeared under his father’s rule. Shortly after, a crazed Druid and his barbarian tribe bombarded Flavious and his army. Flavious was injured badly in this battle and was sent to his uncle to heal. He was relieved from the army with an honorary discharge. He then takes his uncle’s servant, Esca, with
Lewicki, J. R., Barry, B., & Saunders, M. D. (2011). Essentials of negotiation (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. ISBN-13: 9780073530369
The narrator of 'The Foreign Legion ' states that 'Ofelia 's stuggle came ever closer and then inside me, as if that creature, who had been endowed with most extraordinary strength, were drinking from my weakness '. What is Ofelia 's struggle?
It is difficult to read out the authority overtones and language used in verse three, “head” in the western mind is quickly associated with the person in authority over us, the one we report to. But with the typical “authority” reading of this text in our culture comes ideas of
In Mark 11: 15 it says, "He entered the temple and began to turn out
The Gospel of Matthew is an eyewitness story written for an audience of believers, under great stress, and persecution. Matthew develops a theological plot incorporating genealogy, speeches, parables, inter and intra textual references, common vocabulary, and fulfillment quotations, with a tension that builds as we are invited into the story. The crucifixion and resurrection bring us to a Christological climax that symbolically points beyond its conclusion to God’s Kingdom, bringing atonement, salvation and the ushering in the Eschaton. The extraordinary events surrounding the crucifixion act as commentary, adding important details concerning the death of Jesus.1
Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M., & Barry, B. (2010). Negotiation Readings, Exercises and Cases (6th ed.). New York, NY, US: McGraw-Hill.
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