Legalizing Prostitution Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. It has been around since many years ago. People tend to see prostitution as immoral and depraved to society. Should prostitution be legalized? There are many good and bad outcomes if prostitution becomes permitted. First, some negative results of legalizing prostitution consist of: no change for women abuse, continue human trafficking and increase HIV disease. Secondly, in the positive aspects of legalizing prostitution, prostitution will: reduce crime, increase tax revenue, get prostitutes off the streets and allow consenting adults to make their own choices. It is highly important to be aware of the good and bad attributes of prostitution to be critical thinkers. …show more content…
Prostitution reduces rape because now men could seek for sex workers, legal instead of forcing someone to have sex with. It is proven that in legal countries such as Germany and Switzerland rape decrease sharply. The more we try to eliminate prostitution, the higher will be the occurrence of crime against innocent women. To make it clear, what is the behavior of little kids when someone tells them don’t do that, or that is bad. They will eventually not listen and continue to do the same behavior. Same applies to prostitution. If we continue to tell sex workers they cannot trade their bodies for money, it is more likely that we are going to see more prostitutes on the streets. Therefore by legalizing prostitution, it will eliminate away violence and it would have a positive effect on the physical sexual and psychological health of sex workers. On countries that haven’t legalized prostitution, many prostitutes are victims of verbal abuse and social exclusion, which affects their mental health. Thus, by legalizing Prostitution, sex workers would have better access to health services (Sonntag, Tracey). Also, legalizing prostitution is good for the individuals that do not like seeing prostitutes around the community. There will be no need for seeing prostitutes on the streets. There will be locations for the work to take place. In Germany, where prostitution is legal, the locations turn out to be a success. Prostitutes are comfortable and safe to work (Sonntag,
In closing, the argument that the author presents falls weak in most aspects. Though he seems to have positive end results to the issue, the immoral act of prostitution still is part of the solution. As proven before, legal prostitution could lead to an excess of prostitutes that could ruin the appearance of our country, it does not control ones animal-like impulses, but merely lets them run wild, it uses sex as a drug that could lead to an increase of sex ?junkies?, the crime rate could possible increase, rather than decrease, and the spread of STD?s will not be effected positively. The best way to fix the issue of prostitution is to continue fighting it, till eventually the message gets across that prostitution is wrong, and does not lead to a profitable life financially, or morally.
Anne quoted in The Diary Of Anne Frank, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." Anne may have perceived this way due to the fact that everyone was down because of the possible imprisonment of the Frank family and The Van Daan's. She may also feel this way because she was starting to regret everything she had said to everyone who was staying with the Frank's. The last idea I think that Anne felt that way is because she might have felt that Adolf Hitler was pressuring his military to do something they knew was wrong. This is because Hitler was a very brutal human. There are yet many more influential quotes spoken by Anne, and still, most of us have no idea of what they mean. Given the fact that some people study famous quotes, but a majority of the American civilization knows little or nothing about Anne Frank, let alone her quoted words. This can cause riots between modern day Germans and Jews. On the last page of the play, Anne stated, "Despite everything, I still believe people are really good at heart." Even though Anne said, "In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart", she means that even after all of the bad things they have done to her, she still believes people mean to
Patty Kelly’s article, “Enough already, it’s time we decriminalize prostitution”, takes the reader into a fascinating behind the scene look into one of Mexico’s legalized brothels. Although it is apparent that her research and investigation into this social experiment are well defined, it is too narrow a focus to gather all the required information to support her argument. Kelly begins with a half hazard analysis of Elliot Spitzer infidelity, then continues down the path that is far too laser like to see the overall effect on these women; failing to see these prostitutes as real people with hearts and souls. Instead, she produces an impression that the prostitutes are just commodity, bought and sold on the open market, lacking feeling for their plight. In Kelly’s investigation, she neglects to create an entire picture of what decriminalizing prostitution will cost humanity due to the fact that her investigation ignores society’s accepted understanding of what problems are produced by, or result from prostitution. There was absolutely no research cited that relating to sexual addiction, the effects on the prostitutes’ emotional and physical wellbeing, or even the acknowledgment of the organized criminal element behind prostitution.
“There is no difference in work in which a women sells her hands, such as a typist, and a work in which a women sells her vagina, as in sex work.” Claims author Lacy Sloan. In today’s society, many people believe that prostitution is an immoral act. It is the world’s oldest profession and because it has been long condemned, sex workers are stigmatized from mainstream society (ProQuest Staff). However, the act of purchasing sex between consenting adults should not be prohibited by the government, but regulated for society's overall best interests. Prostitution is illegal and as a consequence prostitutes are often victims of violence and sexual assault; therefore, prostitution should be legalized and regulated to ensure the safety of sex workers.
For instance, while every industry that operates in the US has labor rights associated with it, prostitutes have no guarantees in their work. No one has to provide a prostitute with “rights like a minimum wage, freedom from discrimination, and a safe work environment” (Fuchs). With regulations in place after decriminalizing the profession, prostitutes can be better protected against STIs. This could be accomplished by requiring “sex workers to use condoms and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases” (Fuchs). They will have a greatly decreased chance of contracting disease if they turn down clearly infected clients, and make all clients, whether clean or not, wear condoms. If they were working outside of the law they would feel less incline to do this and would then be at great risk for contracting disease. Illegal prostitutes actually have motives for not using condoms since in cities like New York, “cops were actually using condoms found on women as evidence in criminal prostitution cases against them” (Fuchs). This practice provides the perfect stage for STIs to go wild and spread like fire, with HIV being in the forefront and becoming an even larger epidemic then it is. Giving them labor rights will give them the ability to unionize and fight for their rights together, transferring the power in the business to the workers instead of their bosses, like pimps and brothel owners. With regulations eliminating the pimps, one source of violence is removed from the business. Customers are the other major source of violence and, with legalization, prostitutes would be able to rely on law enforcement to protect them instead of detaining them. Studies have found that among prostitutes “82% had been assaulted and 68% had been raped while working” (Fuchs) and “they were 18 times more likely to be murdered than non-prostitutes their age and race” (Fuchs). This could be
The problem with legalizing prostitution is it promotes human trafficking, exploits women, and presents traffickers with a bigger industry. Human Trafficking is trading human beings for sex, labor, or any other force trade. Prostitution enforces human trafficking. The number of women enslaved daily is greatly increasing, because the sex industry is growing fast. This is a major problem for our generation and for generations to come.
Catherine Smith is a single 42 year old woman with two children. Her job as a secretary is no longer sufficient enough to cover her bills. She does not have a college degree and her job will not cover any part of tuition if she does decide to attend college. One night, while coming home late from work, she noticed women walking around on the street counting their earnings for the night. That is when she acquired the idea to become a prostitute. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines prostitution as the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations in exchange for money. These type of situations occur on a daily basis. Some women really enjoy having sex, so why wouldn’t they want payment for it as well. Prostitution should be legalized in the United States.
Moreover, Prostitution is just another job. According to the declaration of human rights, everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment (Article 23). Prostitutes could get labor rights, and work facilities that are suitable to their needs. The government could create more brothels to help make prostitution stable. According to studies done in Germany, researchers discovered that the legalization of prostitution improved the public health (Reisenwitz, C). The conclusion of these studies is pertaining to the creation
Legalizing prostitution could change into a more positive outcome. It is not necessarily a lifestyle that has to be permanent. It can be used to get an education as mentioned earlier. A daughter/son does not need to be a drug addict to sell themselves. Rather, for a brief moment they could work as a prostitute to get ahead financially. If legal, parents could feel secure knowing that the government has their young adult working in a safe environment. Their child is being tested for diseases regularly. Remember condoms are mandatory, which would illuminate any STD’S that could possibly be shared. They do not need to worry about pimps, or trafficking, since prostitution would be legalized. Prostitution could be personal gain. Feeling successful financially causes the opposite of low self-esteem. A young adult would feel important and know that they are actually making a difference in the economy. They would be paying taxes and at the end of the year file like all working class Americans. Perhaps they might even get some cash
Prostitution is illegal in the United States, except for some counties in Nevada. However, prostitution is in most part of the United States, despite the fact that it has been legalized. Prostitution is an act whereby, one sells his/her body for sex. In the United States, Prostitution is divided into three broad categories; street, escort, and brothel prostitution. Brothel prostitution takes place in brothel houses, which are houses where prostitutes can sell sexual services. This kind of prostitution is illegal in all parts of America, except in some counties in Nevada for example; Douglas County, Clark County, Carson City, Washoe County, and Lincoln County. Another form of prostitution is escort prostitution. This is always considered as entertainment, and massage services. It is supposed to be heavily regulated, but unfortunately, it is not because, in many counties where it is practiced, the only difference between escort and street prostitution is a phone call away. The last category of prostitution is street prostitution. This is the most unaccepted, and illegal type of prostitution in the United States. Street prostitution involves scantly dressed up women, and men roaming the streets looking for client to sell their bodies. It is the most frowned kind of prostitution because it is done openly. The question is should prostitution be legalized in the US? The answer is yes, this is because, it will help eliminate all the vices related to prostitution.
The oldest occupation in history, prostitution is one of the only occupations in which those who practice it are not protected by law in many first world countries. That however, sets the stage for disaster; women can get beaten and raped but will not report it out of fear of getting arrested themselves. To protect prostitutes and their patrons, voluntary prostitution of those over the age of eighteen in inevitable and must be legalized.
Most importantly, prostitution could help our economy with a new source of income. In a typical year, legal brothels generate about $50 million in total revenue and have an economic impact of about $400 million on the state. With taxes and even a price floor prostitution could prove to be one of the United States’ best source of income. If prostitution was legalized it might have made the United States enough money to get us out of the huge debt were in.
Little do most know, but on “[a]verage [prostitution] arrest[s], court and incarceration costs amount to nearly $2,000 per arrest. Cities spend an average of 7.5 million dollars on prostitution control every year, ranging from 1 million dollars to 23 million dollars.” Prostitution is the oldest known profession. Currently in 49 countries and counting prostitution is legal. Here in America there is a stigma following the label prostitute. We would rather resort to underground markets of sex labor. Endangering health, rights, and economics. Legalizing prostitution can reduce health hazards by giving heath care, also by giving rights to those that choose prostitution as their profession. In the long term this
Prostitution is one of the root causes of human trafficking, especially sex traffic. Human trafficking is the illegal movement of people (such as: kidnapping), typically for the purposes of forced labor, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Human trafficking is one of the most barbaric crimes in society, because it is importantly violated to human rights. Human could not become a product to sell. In order to supply the labor for the prostitution industry, human trafficking becomes worse when it focus on women, and children. It transfers to sex trafficking. Many women are victims of human trafficking work in brothels, a part of them work as Streetwalker. Some countries give the idea that prostitution should be legalized to reduce the rate of human trafficking and sex trafficking, but they are wrong. Because, if we pass the law for prostitution, human trafficking and sex trafficking will increase in order to supply prostitutes for prostitution industry. Legalizing prostitution is a gift to pimps, traffickers because they will rely on a legal framework to bring
Prostitution is known as the oldest profession in the world, however, many states in the U.S. outlaw it. The textbook definition of prostitution is the "act or practice of engaging in sexual acts for money" ("Prostitution," Macmillan 805). Nevada is the first in the United States to legalize prostitution. Although the long term effects of legalized prostitution is uncertain, the short term effects have been economically beneficial. Prostitution should be legalized because not only could it financially benefit the country, but it could also reduce crime.