Leadership Model: The Fiedler's Contingency Model

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The Fiedler’s Contingency Model suggests that leadership is based on the likeness of others about their leaders ' leadership style and situational favorableness (Mindtool, 2016). As there is no one style that a leader can direct his or her followers to provide maximum satisfaction (Mindtools, 2016). Since some leaders focus on getting the task done while others concentrate on building a relationship (Mindtools, 2016). The two leadership styles of a leader can either be task-oriented or person-oriented, in both can provide some degree of control and influence towards a driven action depending upon the favorableness that matches his or her individual leadership style preferences (The Art of Good Leadership, n.d.). Either way, a leader can …show more content…

In high sit con situation, the low LPC (task-motivated) focus on situation control in their ability to alleviate the epidemic of a burden or disease that pose threats to the world or nations (NMSU, n.d.). These leaders look at the details alignment when considering what avenues are needed to take control of gaining influence over the situation (NMSU, n.d.; The Art of Good Leadership, n.d.). While, the individual members states under Fiedler’s Contingency Model could be considered low sit con situations that of low LPC in where they desire or responsible for managing the chaos (NSMU, n.d.). The United Nations state members’ have more control over their country through their strong position power to command the action they need to be done to the subordinates that of the federal, states, local organizations, and the health departments (NMSU, n.d.). As these tasks motivated low LPC requires task completion to push agenda using their autocratic power (NMSU,

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