Laurie Halse Anderson Speak Tree Analysis

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Victims of Assault

Within the United States, an estimation of about 288, 820 individuals are victims of sexual assault. In the novel, Speak by Laurie Halse-Anderson, Melinda is one of these people and her tree is a symbol of speaking the truth. If you need help, the only way to get that help is to communicate. During the kickoff scene, the origin of the tree being a symbol is starting. Melinda has started her art period. Her teacher, Mr. Freeman, has assigned the class to recreate their chosen object and apply emotion. Melinda chose 'tree.' “He stops by my table. I plunge my hand into the bottom of the globe and fish out my paper. “Tree.” Tree? It’s too easy.” (12) Melinda does not have confidence that this will challenge her. In her mind, a tree isn’t exactly exhilarating. …show more content…

She is attempting to carve a tree into a linoleum block. She can see how she wants to carve the tree but Melinda’s brain and limbs won’t cooperate together. She doesn't believe in herself. “I can see it in my head: a strong old oak tree with a wide scarred trunk and thousands of leaves reaching to the sun. There’s a tree in front of my house just like it. I can feel the wind blow and hear the mockingbird whistling its way back to her nest. But when I try to carve it, it looks like a dead tree, toothpicks, a child’s drawing. I can’t bring it to life. I’d love to give it up. Quit.” (78) She slowly loses hope, but she decides to keep trying because of the fortification from her teacher. This is her justification to carry on with her

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