Language Skill Essay

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2.2 Language Skill
Basically language is learned when human born to the world, they have descended an ability to communicate through their vocal organs. They have their own mother tongue, kind of language ability to spend their language automatically.
The process of language learning is very complicated and step by step. It can be forced in one or two touches. There are four language skills should be integrated in teaching and learning process (Harmer, 2003) as follows:
a. Listening
It is the main process, a learner will be understood what speakers say. For example, when a mother teaches her children, she begins with a word. In order to her child understand what she said and then after hearing it the child will understand what she said, the child will give respond shaped imitation.
b. Speaking
People are social being who needs each other to cooperate and live in social community (Ramelan, 1992:7). In social live people cannot to cooperate and …show more content…

2.3.1 Types of Reading Activity There are four types of reading activity as follows:
a. Skimming
Skimming is the ability to read a text quickly in order to find the general idea or the gist of the text (William, 1986) quoted by Ratnawati (2006:25). This activity is useful to be applied when we have to get the information of the text in a limited time. In skimming, a reader could take the main ideas quickly by collecting words, phrases and main sentences.
There are some resons why skimming is needed. The fist is to find out a piece of special information in the paragraph. The second is to take the main idea and the important items from the text quickly. The third is to make the usage of the time exactly when the reader have no time extra.
However, skimming is a way of reading which moves quickly over a text to get the gist of the text.

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