Lady Macbeth's Dishonest Deeds

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Macbeth is a play full of dishonest deeds. Most of these deeds are brought up by power, hunger, and greed. In the end these deeds led to mostly death. In the first act Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to kill King Duncan. Macbeth finally gives in and kills Duncan, which at first makes Lady Macbeth happy. Her mood quickly changed though; after a while, her guilt begins to gradually build inside of her. First she thinks about it all the time. Then she has a sleepwalking episode in which she kept trying to wash blood off of her hands. Finally, she ends up killing herself. Lady Macbeth's guilt is what shows that she's partly responsible for the murder of Duncan.

In the beginning Lady Macbeth is a supportive and loving wife, who gets along well with

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