Lack Of Representation Of Black Women In Literature Summary

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The author reflects about the lack of representation of black women in literature. And when they are mentioned, it is often as a way to reinforce false stereotypes and labels that have been associated with black women in general. The author aims to unearth the rationale behind this cliched image and hopes to redeem black women from these false allegations and return her to a position of respect that she deserves. The author argues that the cause of this ill representation dates back to the times when blacks were enslaved in America by white slaveholders. History books and narratives tell the tale of how black men revolted against the slave system and gained freedom for the blacks, but there is hardly any mention of the role that black women played in the downfall of the slave system. The author goes on to justify that it was actually black women who sowed the seed of rebellion in the hearts of the blacks. This was due to their position in the slaveholder's house, which granted her a degree of influence. As a result, the black woman evolved to become more empowered and determined to survive the cruel slave system. The black woman was forced to fight the slaveholders in all …show more content…

This was largely due to the fact that slave families were ripped apart and were never allowed to live together as families. Husbands and wives were separated, and so were children from their parents. Even babies weren’t allowed to stay with their mother as it might cause her to neglect her duties towards the slaveholder. The only times when a union between blacks was allowed when the slaveholders wanted to ensure that they had more slaves to count on in the future. In such instances, black women were allowed to wed black men that would enable them to have children who would later become slaves

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