Lack Of Prenatal Care Summary

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Summary of Findings
Prenatal care is something that is important or a developing baby and the mother. Without prenatal care there can be serious health complications that can result. Prenatal care has to deal with is when a woman goes to obstetrician gynecologist (OBGYN) to get periodic checkups to make sure that the baby is developing on the lines that it is supposed to. It also has to deal with nutrition and support that a woman can receive while pregnant. What an appointment would look like at an OBGYN office is an ultra sound and eventually the heartbeat of the baby. Unfortunately some women cannot afford theses services because they do not have adequate access to what they need. There can be many barriers that can prevent a woman from getting the health care that she needs. This can include a language or a financial barrier that can cause them to not to get the care that they need (Novick, 2010). With this being said, women that do not receive the appropriate health care that they need for themselves and the baby at a higher risk for health complications throughout the pregnancy and either when the baby is born. …show more content…

Developmental delays can be either physical or mental (Novick, 2010). These delays can last or a lifetime. An insufficient amount of prenatal care can also effect the mother because something could be wrong with her. The lack of prenatal care mostly effects the families that live in poverty. This effects them more because they generally cannot afford the services that they

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