Krinsky V. Doe Summary

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Due to a growing amount of media platforms that allows the public to exercise free speech, defamation about a public-figures and or corporate reputation can suffer damages. In the case Krinsky v. Doe, former president, chief operating officer and chairman of a Florida-based drug service company, Lisa Krinsky sues for defamation against ten anonymous individuals for posting “scathing verbal attacks” on a Yahoo’s message board. The dispute arose in 2005 when ten anonymous individuals posted the following comments on an internet blog:

"a management consisting of boobs, loser(s) and crook(s),"

"I will reciprocate felatoin [sic] with Lisa even though she has fat thighs, a fake medical degree, 'queefs' and has poor feminine hygiene."

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The comments above adversely reflect Krinsky professional practice including other officials on the FBDS board.

Krinsky filed a lawsuit in Florida’s state court in 2006 claiming defamation and intentional interference with contractual relations on the grounds that the facts were untrue. The specific tort being actual malice in libel law is a statement made knowing it is false or with reckless disregard for its truth (Trager., p.176). She served Yahoo a subpoena in California to seek the identities of the users.
Doe 6 the defendant also known as Senor-Pincehe-Wey and the author of the comments was under the assumption he/she would remain anonymous as one of the core values protected by the first amendment. Once they were notified of the lawsuit Doe motioned to quash was denied by the court.

Free speech also outlines individual liberty, meaning it is there natural right and attainment of truth. In this case, Krinsky had not made a prima facie, in this case, what does said is just an opinion. Juvenile name calling cannot be interpreted as asserting or implying actual

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