Hazelwood Vs. Kuhlmeier Case Study

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Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
Everyone in America, from adults to students have freedom of speech. This freedom is provided by the first amendment. In the case Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier, students fights for the freedom of speech in their school newspaper. One side of the case was three students who thought their free speech was violated and the other side was the principal defending the school. After the court's decision, this case had a big impact on the school and many other people. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier talks about students not giving up their freedom of speech in a school setting.
Hazelwood East High School in St. Louis, Missouri is where the case of Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier all started. This cases was argued on October 13, 1987. The students defending …show more content…

Edwards. He helped them make a case against the Hazelwood School district. The girls wanted justice for their articles being taken out of the newspaper and “they also asked to be paid money for the harm the principal had caused them”(Fuller 24). The girls wrote about divorce and teen pregnancy in their articles. Their intention in these articles was to help students whose parents were going through a divorce or students dealing with teen pregnancy. They argued that their free speech was violated when the principal, Robert Reynolds, took their articles out of that issue of their school newspaper. Since Cathy Kuhlmeier and her two friends who wrote the article changed the names of the people mentioned, they did not see any problem in publishing it because the privacy of the people were protected. The Journalism teacher at the time who advised the Spectrum, approved the articles the students wrote but left the school before the issue of the paper was published. The approvement of the articles, the changing of the names, and their good intentions all formed the students side of the case. The lawyer for the school district was Robert P. Baine Jr.. He helped the side of the school district make points that the school had the right to take these articles out.After the prior advisor left, a new one came, his name was Howard Emerson. Emerson “...followed the procedures of the recently departed advisor, giving the …show more content…

Kuhlmeier had a big impact on everyone. This case changed the ways some schools did things. The ruling of Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier allowed all matters related to school sponsored speech activities in the hands of the school. For example, some places now have an increased review of the articles prior to publication, allowing changes things that are unacceptable or inappropriate. The schools that do this do it to ensure an occurrence like Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier does not happen again. While this had an impact on schools, it also had a big impact on students. This case, along with other student rights cases, inspires students to speak out for what they think is wrong or what should be done differently. Three other people that were impacted by this case were the three girls, Kuhlmeier, Smart, and Tippett, who fought for their free speech rights. The girls were just trying to help people going through hard times, like divorce and teen pregnancy and were heartbroken that they never had the chance. The things that made the students most upset was that they worked really hard on their articles and they thought they may have been able to fix them. Years after the case ended Cathy Kuhlmeier, now Cathy Cowan, said “I think we need to give students room to grow. Students need to be given the chance to do in-depth stories-more than just stories about the soccer game or who was named prom queen”(Kuhlmeier n.p.). The girls were happy they stood up for what they believed in and

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