Kolab: A Sex Trafficking Survivor from Cambodia

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“They forced me to sleep with as many as 50 customers a day. I had to give [the pimp] all my money. If I did not [earn a set amount] they punished me by removing my clothes and beating me with a stick until I fainted, electrocuting me, cutting me” (Global Sex Trafficking 1). This is the real-life testimony of a woman named Kolab, a sex trafficking survivor from Cambodia who shares her story with Equality Now, a female human rights advocate organization. Sucked into a world of fear, subjugation, and danger, Kolab demonstrates a lifestyle that no female would ever want to imagine-yet which for many women is their everyday reality. Often times, when we hear the term “sex trafficking” we think of an illegal form of sexual exploitation, but what is little known to most people, is that “sex trafficking is the third largest international crime industry, reportedly generating a profit of $32 billion dollars every year,” a form of lifestyle that over “20.9 million female adults and children” can relate to because it is the norm in their countries, cities, or towns (Sabyan 1). Due to economic downfall, many countries fell into poverty. Forced to make ends meet and pay off debts, many families looked to selling their daughters into sex industries as a away to become free from their burdens. Not only are victims of sex trafficking sold into the industry, but can also be kidnapped and forced into this lifestyle by their “pimp.” The economic aspect, mainly in the United States, is the underlying factor that enables the sex industry to continue to exist and expand today. Evidence shows that the U.S generates the majority of the profits for the sex trafficking industry. Although, Asia is reported to have more sex slaves than any other country, t...

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