Knapp's Relationship Escalation Model

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The group presentation about Japanese pop (J-Pop) or Japanese Rock (J-Rock) music are chosen by all members in our group, Japanese culture is known in the world to my pride. As a Japanese, I have done my best and understanding of J-Pop or J-Rock music to present to my members. Different styles of ideas may be appropriate at different stages in my group’s perspective. Ms. Jessica, who was interested in ‘Japanese culture’ that is an easy path to our relationship. And because there was no leader, we often stayed together at the school library to search for data, note it, exchange ideas, and so on, at times without class time. According to Knapp’s relationship model, his relationship model explains how relationships grow and last and how they end. His model is categorized into ten different stages which come under two interrelating stages: Knapp's’ relationship escalation model and Knapp's relationship termination model. The stage of the relationship in my group, there are two stages to put into my group: Intensifying and Integration. When a relationship progresses, there will be misunderstands and conflicts, and the so “Indefinite relationship” might fail to persist such a like coming together. …show more content…

Members will start revealing their personal information and will analyze the impression on the other person. They find various ways to nurture a relationship in order to strengthen interpersonal development such as gifts, spending more time together, asking for dates, expecting a relationship commitment

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