Klinenberg On Living Alone

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It’s not just the elderly whose experiences living alone can be tinged with loneliness. The disadvantaged men Klinenberg interviewed were faced with “not only domestic autonomy but also reclusiveness, hoarding and other antisocial behaviors that turn one’s safe house into a tomb” (111). When discussing the prevalence of men living in SROs, Klinenberg writes that, “Self imposed social isolation removes impoverished singles from job networks and potential sources of support, increases stress, and compromises health, placing them at risk for even greater detachment and suffering” (118). It’s important to remember that the ability to live alone is a product of class and socioeconomic status, things that are often tied to race and ability and gender, …show more content…

But there is some reason to be wary of living alone. It’s not because women’s liberation is a threat to life as we know it, despite what some conservatives would have us think, but because it’s incredibly easy to turn living alone into a reclusive experience. Helping to promote that toxicity is the pervasive way being single and living alone is looked down upon by society. “Discrimination- from employers, real estate agents, and housing associations” are all inherent in living alone (Klinenberg, 73). The glamour associated with living alone doesn’t take these things into consideration, meaning people are unaware that to successfully live alone you have to actively work to connect with people and to not fall into toxic way of living. Going solo doesn’t necessarily have to have negative repercussions as many believe it does, but it can. Living alone is as valid as any other way of living, meaning that “eliminating the pain related to living alone is no more possible than eliminating the pain related to living” (Klinenberg, …show more content…

I poured over listings in cities I have no desire to live in, meticulously saving all my favorite houses in a Word document on my computer. Looking at houses was, for me, a way to imagine me being successful enough to invest in myself and in my happiness. In a recent interview, the woman who runs the popular Tumblr “House Hunting” admitted that for her, the act of looking at houses is a way for her to fantasize about her future where she has one of these houses to herself as well as quell her anxiety (Cills, 1). For me and countless other women my age, the concept of living alone is an aspiration we are finally allowed to have, one that women of previous generations weren’t necessarily allowed to have. Needless to say, I had an extremely favorable opinion about living alone and was convinced there were few negative repercussions resulting in the rise of people going solo, but Klinenberg’s book illustrated that, like all things, there are positive and negative aspects to

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