Kitty Hart-Moxon Went To Auschwitz

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Kitty Hart-Moxon was 17 when she went to Auschwitz. She got sent there because her mother and her used fake papers to get into Germany. Soon people found out the papers were fake and Kitty and her mom were to be killed. In the end instead of killing them the soldiers decided to put them to work at Auschwitz. She had experienced many horrible things. Some of her experiences were having to give up everything she had, the Gypsy she met, and how they went to the bathroom. Kitty had to ride on a train to Auschwitz. Everyone on the train went into a room where they got their heads shaved, striped from their clothes, got a number tattooed on their arm, and had to wear these striped jumpsuit. They would go by the tattoo now instead of their names.

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