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Analysis of the book of Luke
Explain the idea of the kingdom of God in Luke's gospel
Analysis of the book of Luke
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The Kingdom of God and its significance can be found within the gospel of Luke. First off who is Luke? Some experts think that “evidence points towards him being a physician and a companion of Paul" (Franz, 2014). “Luke the physician was one of the disciples who wrote the longest gospel, and it has been speculated that he also was the author of the book of Acts” (Franz, 2014). Within Luke’s gospel it contains a vast amount of information and attention that was documented on the life accounts of Jesus and the kingdom of God. Jesus knew what his mission was early on, as it was described in the early chapters of the gospel of Luke. This paper is being written for personal exploration of the Kingdom of God and is intended to examine information …show more content…
Some passages in the Bible refer to the Kingdom of God as God 's reign. Other passages refer to God 's Kingdom as a realm to which we may be allowed to enter, and experience the blessings of His reign. The entrance to this realm depends on if we have lived the life that Jesus has planned for us. Still there are other passages that refer to a future realm, which will occur only with the reappearance of Jesus Christ. Therefore, these are three examples of the Kingdom of God that mean different things throughout other verses of the Bible. One only has to study all the references and interrupt its context to fully fit these pieces together to find the answers. The gospel of Luke sheds some insight into the Kingdom of …show more content…
The parable is about second chances, just as the gardener gave the fig tree a second chance, so is God giving us a second chance to join His Kingdom. This is the over-generosity nature of God’s mercy, and it is an important theme in Luke’s Gospel. The fig tree as being symbolic to humans, the fig tree may be given another year to demonstrate its ability to produce fruit, but if it fails to do so, it will be cut down. It has been supposed by some scholars that there is a concealed significance, that the Kingdom of God has still yet to come, and right now it is recruiting those who trust in the Lord and in
The book of Luke, found after the books Matthew and Mark, focuses on the ministry of Jesus Christ but it also gives us a look into His birth and growth in totality. In this chapter we see a historical account of some of the journeys that Christ experienced. It is important to keep in mind that the Bible and all of its books do serve as historical accounts but each book is unique in the fact that they incorporate a theological timeline. The Bible is, conceivably, the most important book that has ever been written. It gives the world eyewitness accounts to historical events that helped not only shaped a region of the world but the whole entire world. It is nearly impossible to go through some formal societal education and have never once read a part of the bible or have heard a story that adapts from the stories within the bible. The bible has helped formed institutions, associations and so much more. By reading the Gospel of Luke we are truly reading what is meant for us to read as Christians. The principal plot in the book of Luke is the life of Jesus Christ, his sacrifice, His ability to beat death and remain perfect as the son of GOD despite being human as well. Jesus is seen as the perfect savior for humans in the book of Luke. Luke not only gives multiple examples of the power of Jesus but also it gives us a look at The Lord’s triumph over temptation. Luke also depicts Jesus as a man/GOD who had a very deep concentration on people and relationships. The book of Luke gives Jesus a loving characteristic but doesn’t shy away from showing that at times Jesus got angry too. Jesus showed a great deal of compassion to the sick, those in pain, the poor, and unambiguously the sinful. Jesus had genuine love for everyone. Throughout this...
Human identity can be summed up by looking at it from two perspectives. Who we are in our natural state and who we are in Christ. Mankind in his natural state is driven by his sin nature. Romans 1-8 perfectly lays out who and what we are in our natural state. It also lays out who and what we are in Christ. “For we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin.” (Romans 3:9 NIV) In Romans 1:29-31, Paul gives a long list of wicked behaviors that are still prevalent in today’s society, which lets me know that we, in our natural state, are the same as we always have been. There are no exceptions to the rule, besides that of Christ. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (3:23) Paul emphasizes in Romans 1-3 how people have tried to free themselves from their sin nature by depending on the Law to no avail. The Law could not bring about justification (Acts 13:39), produce righteousness (Galatians 2:21), produce life (Galatians 3:21), bring about perfection (Hebrews 7:19) or free the conscience from a knowledge of sin (Hebrews 10:1-4). (Johnson, 1896) The fact is that God’s standards are perfect and we alone can never live up to them by any religious act or moral behavior. The good news is that God knew all of this. He knew that by our strength alone, we could not overcome our own sin nature. He sent us a perfect sacrifice to permanently fulfill the Law. That sacrifice was his only Son, Jesus Christ. “God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith.” (Romans 3:25) Through faith in Jesus Christ, the grace of God has been given to us. Now, rather than being bound we are made free. Instead of unrighteousness abounding in ou...
The story of historical Jesus is not an easy story to tell. There is very little evidence for historians to go by and no sources that are from the actual time of Jesus. Years after his death there were attempts to document what Jesus had said and done during his life and the preaching’s he taught (Fisher, 2008, p. 295). We know Jesus was born during the reign of the Roman Emperor Augustus. Historians believe that Jesus was born and grew up in a village called Nazareth, even though the Gospel states he was born in Bethlehem (From Jesus to Christ, 1998). Nazareth was located in Galilee, which was ruled by Rome at the time (Fisher, 2008, p. 299). Sepphoris was a major city, located near Nazareth, which had great Roman and Greek culture. Recent excavations of Sepphoris tell scholars that it was a sophisticated environment. It is believed that Jesus may have had a more mainstream up bringing then being a “humble carpenter” from a low social status, or peasant, like the Bible states. Since there is so little evidence of Jesus there are conflicting theories about who Jesus actually was and how he was raised. Some historians believe that Jesus was part of the artisan class and worked in the city of Sepphoris. They also believe he was tri-lingual, speaking Aramaic, Hebrew, and Hellenistic Greek, so he could do business in the city of Sepphoris and his ministry work (From Jesus to Christ, 1998). It is also known that Jesus was Jewish and was a preacher of the Jewish texts. Historians believe that the evidence linking John and Jesus is the strongest they can find. “The ministry of John the Baptist, prophet citing Isaiah’s prophecies of the coming Kingdom of God. He was conducting baptism in the Jordan River in preparation for the Kingdom of ...
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During his time of teaching, he started to openly speak about the Reign of God coming among the people; however, his public speaking of this matter and the “Kingdom of God” started to upset a numerous amount of people . The “Kingdom of God” that Jesus spoke about basically meant that...
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There are many aspects of the Christian worldview that determines one’s faith. It all begins with God and what he did and why he so great. Then how humanity was shape with its issues and main purpose. The way we see Jesus and what has he done to be apart of are faith and what as humans have found for a restoration. Through analysis the Christian faith and how each of these tie in together. While reflecting on my faith and if lives to the standards of a Christian worldview. Through explaining my understanding of the four aspects of a Christian worldview I will analysis and compare it to my faith.
The Kingdom of God defined by the Israelites as a physical place here on earth. The Kingdom of God is also called the “Kingdom of Heaven.” It means God’s rule in the lives of His chosen people and His Creation. In the Old Testament, the people in God’s kingdom were the Israelites. In the New Testament and now, the people in God’s kingdom are those who believe in and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. When Jesus comes again, then God’s kingdom will become visible to all people. The term “Kingdom” according to (Kingdom of God,2011) means the rank, quality, state, or attributes of a king; royal authority; sovereign power; rule; dominion; monarchy. It can also be used in the context of a divine kingdom, the term Kingdom appears 13 times in Matthews, 7 times in Luke and 2 times in John.
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Back ground of the book: Revelation “Revelation” is from the Greek word apokalupsis which means, “A disclosure, an unveiling.” The book of Revelation is an unveiling of the Character and program of God. Author Four times the author identifies himself as John (1:1, 4, 9; 22:8) Date and origin The traditional view for the date of revelation is during the reign of Emperor Domitian (A.D. 81-90).
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The motif encompassing the kingdom of God can stand recognized recorded within Scripture; nevertheless, the appearances of God's kingdom remains remarkably striking in the Gospels and the New Testament. As it can hold notated within the mixture of perspectives pertaining the God's kingdom, disagreements remain discerned that remained detained by the people and that which prevailed established through Scripture. Essentially the Old Testament inaugurated the exposition of the kingdom of God, how both the Old and New Testaments presents the doctrines to whence the kingdom is to be known. Notwithstanding the distinction of the descriptions encompassing both the Messiah and God’s kingdom, irregularities persist in the custom for researching and
A place that is not seen or discussed but only felt in a way that is incomparable to any feeling ever felt by the living. Yet while people retain their own images of the Kingdom of God the Bible itself gives a subtle definition through a series of parables or short stories, told by Jesus in order to pass along the message of who is God and what is the kingdom of heaven. Jesus, through his sayings and parables showed that the kingdom was being revealed in his own life and work. He preached his message of the coming of the kingdom through memorable stories, which in his day could and did relate to things of everyday life. Though most of Jesus' followers didn't recognize the kingdom till after his death it was still brought to them by the Holy Spirit with a full understanding of his word and actions. Yet it was evidently difficult for them to understand before his death due to the previous ideas of the kingdom as a whole.