King Jr Qualities

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. possessed many leadership characteristics that made him an effective leader. Dr. King was a well-known leader of the Civil Rights Movement who strived his whole life to prove that equality matters. He believed that all men were created equal and that a black person should have the same rights as a white person. Some of the leadership qualities Dr. King possessed that made him an effective leader of the Civil Rights Movement include nonviolence, a strong moral compass and bravery. To begin with, Dr. King believed in nonviolence. An example of Dr. King's dedication to nonviolence found in the eulogy from Benjamin Mays "Nonviolence to King was a total commitment not only in solving the problems of race in the United States, but the problems of the world." For example, he was opposed to the Vietnam war because of the violence. It was not in his nature to be violent. Dr. King's message of nonviolence can also be heard in the article Complete Life "We will match your capacity to endure suffering. We will meet your physical force with soul force. Due to us what you will and we will still love you." He remained true to his belief …show more content…

King possessed is a strong moral compass. One example of a strong moral compass, as stated by Benjamin Mays is “Here was a man who believed with all of his might that the pursuit of violence at any time is ethically and morally wrong…that violence is self-defeating; and that only love and forgiveness can break the vicious circle of revenge.” This states that Dr. King believed that violence only encouraged more violence. Another example as stated in source 2 paragraph 8, Dr. King gave the people around him an ethical and moral way to work on social change in a more peaceful manner without violence and bloodshed. For example, he helped the people to peacefully protest in Montgomery, Birmingham, Selma, and Chicago to mention a few

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