Kidney Dialysis Machine Essay

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The University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia has a Kidney Dialysis Machine which can serve the functions of a healthy kidney, for patients with kidney disease. Kidney disease occurs when the organs no longer function and waste products begin to build up within the body. This disease can lead to anemia, high blood pressure, and nerve damage. In the process of kidney dialysis, there are catheters which are connected to our veins through a vein graft which is attached to the tubes of the Dialysis Machine. In essence, blood is simply being pumped into the machine where waste products are filtered out, and then the ‘clean’ blood is pumped back into our body through a vein graft. There are ten possible candidates with chronic kidney disease who could potentially be granted access to the Kidney Dialysis Machine. There are only two time slots, so the candidates will be assessed according to condition and other factors as to who is allowed to use the machine. I believe that Steve should be one of the two patients who are granted access to the Kidney Dialysis Machine at University of Pennsylvania Hospital. …show more content…

He plays an important role in helping his girlfriend during her pregnancy, and will also need to help support his girlfriend with the newborn. There is statistical evidence that children of single mothers are more likely to commit substance abuse than children who have both a mother and father figure in their life (DePaulo). This displays the significance of the role Steve is for his pregnant wife and their newborn child. Fathers demonstrate leadership and help children to make important decisions that will help prepare them for the future. Without the support of Steve, his girlfriend would be faced with an insurmountable task of finding time to raise and care for her newborn while maintaining a

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