Keating Five Scandal Pros And Cons

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Keating Five Justus Holben The Keating Five scandal was one of the most embarrassing moments for the United States Senate. In this event, five senators accepted over one point three million dollars toward their campaigns. In return for Charles Keating’s support, senators John McCain(only republican), Dennis DeConcini, John Glenn, Donald Riegle and Alan Cranston were obligated to keep Keating safe from the Federal Home Loan Bank Board’ regulators. These senators tried to, “blind” the eyes of the regulators,and erase the topic of Keaton’s company(Lincoln Savings and Loan Association). After being investigated, the senator's actions were publicly released, causing them, and Mr. Keating, a loss in popularity. Only two of the five senators ever …show more content…

The House of Representatives and the Senate gained lots of attention. The Lincoln Savings and Loan Association was exposed, and closed two years later. Mr. Keating later pleaded guilty on fraud charges, and was sentenced to four years in …show more content…

Keating Along with the positives, the scandal also caused many negatives, a few examples include… The entire legislative branch was looked down upon. The general public thought both branches were corrupted. The Keating Five scandal ended up being detrimental to the senator’s campaigns. Congress loss influence(and some money) from the people and liabilities. Showed that even the most trusted people in government can turn back on the people Government isn’t always going for the best for the common good for the people After the fall of Lincoln Savings and Loan Association many employees were out a job, and the U.S. was out around three billion dollars. In this situation, George Washington would agree. He may not have liked what the senators had done, however they were given a fair, due process, trial. However, Washington would not have even supported the senators coming to office. In his Farewell Address, Washington states,”It(political parties) opens the door the foreign influence, and corruption.” We can see that these senators were so power hungry, that they accepted over one point three million

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