Kayla Montgomery Research Paper

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Kayla was just an average 14 year old playing in a soccer tournament. She fell a couple of times, once on her tailbone and another on her neck ("Kayla Montgomery"). There was a tingling sensation running up and down her spine, and she lost feeling from the waist down ("Kayla Montgomery"). Shortly after her fifteenth birthday, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, or MS for short ("Kayla Montgomery"). Her disease hasn’t progressed from the time she was diagnosed to now, so she is still able to do the things she loves including running. Kayla was determined to push herself to achieve her goals. Before Montgomery was diagnosed, she wasn’t a fast runner at all, but she soon rose to the top ("Kayla Montgomery"). Kayla became the fastest long distance runner and also the track and field team captain at Mount Tabor High School ("Kayla Montgomery"). She started to train with the boy’s team her sophomore year because the girls on her team weren’t enough competition (Polachek, Emily). Kayla became the 21st fastest 3200 meter runner in the country at North Carolina’s state track meet her senior year ("Kayla Montgomery"). …show more content…

Eighty to eighty five percent of MS patients are initially diagnosed with RRMS ("Multiple sclerosis"). Patients with RRMS experience intervals of symptoms and remission ("Multiple sclerosis"). Symptoms may progressively worsen in recurrences and might no longer disappear, and this is when the diagnosis would change to SPMS ("Multiple sclerosis"). About ten to fifteen percent of patients are diagnosed with PPMS, which progresses steadily usually without cycles of relapse and remission ("Multiple sclerosis"). PPMS is the rarest form of MS found in less than five percent of patients whose symptoms worsen at a steady pace and become very severe without complete remission ("Multiple

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