Katia Jaimes

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Who is Katia Jaimes? I ask myself each day I don’t want to be someone that follows other just to fit in but I also don’t want to change who I am for others. It is hard to be yourself everyday when all you want to do is fit in the world around. Finding yourself is more difficult. Knowing what you love and how those things shape you can help you understand your identity. Finding what you love can be the key to happiness. Be yourself, you always hear it, but it is not as easy as people make it seem. How can you be yourself when you don't know who you are? Well I believe my identity is confusing, I am a mixture of shyness, bold, risk taker, strong, smart, mindful and caring. That is why it is hard for me to be myself there is no real label to put on me because I am not just an athlete or dancer I guess you would call me balanced in a way. A big part in finding what my identity is to learn more about the world, going on adventures or even exploring and understanding what is going on in the world has helped my find what makes me happy and that is helping others who are in need. …show more content…

She even said it was tiring everyday asking about something new. Even now I always ask how and why things are the way they are. After learning about a new material in my reading or history class I go home and try to learn as much as possible. I think a lot about the world around me and sometimes that can be a good thing or a bad thing. A good outcome can be the knowledge I hold onto my whole life a bad outcome can be knowing to much. Knowing myself, I would probably want to learn to much. But sometimes learning about a new material helps me understand how things work therefor making me think about my

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