Kate Spade Handbags Case Study

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Kate Spade Turns Risk into Opportunities Kate Spade and her boyfriend now husband, Andy Spade have realized that women’s fashion is lacking in fashionable but functional bags. Hence, they started a company that focuses on this field. Their mission was: “To develop a well-edited line of fashionable, but not “trendy” handbags.” Their vision was: “Developing product line and approximately positioning the company in both domestic and global marketplace.” (Case) Their objective was: “To create products that combine great personal style with long-lasting utility.” Describe the key decisions that Kate and Andy faced in the start-up of their company. The key decisions that Kate and Andy faced in the start-up of their company were, Kate had to …show more content…

Another option for Kate Spade, is to start another company under Kate Spade, For example Hilton Hotels and Garden Inn by Hilton. The idea to come up with a company that others can attract all people with all sorts of income might bring the company back up. You do the research How did Kate Spade develop its e-commerce operation? Kate Spade developed its e-commerce operation in 2005. The company is very proud of its store-to-web and web-to-store cross development making it almost impossible to read the growth of one channel without the other. How might Kate Spade further utilize information technology to help fuel continuing global expansion? Brand consistency – brand comes first ensuring long term growth 2. Growth in existing markets – growth will come by increasing market share through additional door rollouts, comp sales, and launching new categories like watches 3. Product – prioritizing initiatives including Asian fashion fit and creating special products to celebrate holidays like Chinese New

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