Kasserine Pass Battle Analysis

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a. Define the Battle to be analyzed (where, who, when).

The Battle of the Kasserine Pass was a series of battles that began February 14, 1943 in Tunisia, which is found on Africa’s central north coast. The Kasserine pass is a gap in the Dorsal Mountains, which are part of the Atlas Mountain Range, two miles wide in west central Tunisia. This battle was between the Allied Forces lead by British General Bernard L. Montgomery and consisted of British, American and French troops that formed a defensive line against General Erwin Rommel and the Afrika Korps of the German Army.


a. Strategic/Operational Overview

The Battle of Kasserine Pass pitted the German 10th and 21st Panzer divisions against the Allied forces 8th …show more content…

This tactic along with the addition of a concentration of force, artillery and tanks, allowed troops to penetrate even deeper and disrupt enemy forces (miepvonsydow.wordpress.com, 2014).

(4) Logistical systems.

Allied supply chains were strained as they were trying to keep up with the demand of supporting two separate fronts and the distances they had to move.

Axis supply chains were strained because Hitler did not consider the Africa campaign to be of significant importance. Instead focusing on supplying the German eastern front as they battled the Russian Army. Only when the Germans surrendered to the Russians did the additional supplies get directed towards the African front.

(5) Intelligence.

Intelligence reports were ignored by General Fredendall on several occasions while he would bypass division and brigade commanders and direct troop movements down at the company level (Budiansky, 2011). Also intelligence reports suggested that there was only one Panzer division located to the south of their

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