The Kardashian Family Theory

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The Kardashian family is somewhat of a phenomenon. They do not come from humble beginnings. They are not exactly athletic. They do not produce music of any kind, (any that is remarkable), and apart from their “reality” television show, yet they are actual icons that people spend time and money on. Of course they have a couple big time relatives such as Robert Kardashian, who handled the OJ Simpson case back in 1996. But there is one Kardashian out of all of them, that has sparked a peculiar interest for some. It is clear there is no denying Kim Kardashian’s physical beauty. Even I can get a little dazed by her seemingly three foot long eyelashes and amazing, unattainable curves. But there is one question that has been raised by many people, …show more content…

(If you do not know who Ray J is, it is for your own good). According to, “[Ray J] credits himself. He reportedly sent Kim a text reading, ‘And to think you really have me to thank for all this ;-).’” This theory is significant because it is true that most people find sex and scandal to be interesting. Look at the majority of the television shows that are constantly being aired. According to, “Two out of every three shows on TV include sexual content, an increase from about half of all shows during the 97/98 television season. The most widely viewed shows-those airing in primetime on the major networks-are even more likely to include sexual content.” This says a lot about our society, and a lot about what gets people's attention. So whether or not the sex tape was made on purpose or whether it was on accident, it is a significant part of why Kim got so much air …show more content…

It cannot be put in better terms but, “Whether it's the sex tape's doing or not, Kim is a household name. An entrepreneur. A budding singer. A sometime actress. A designer. A perfumista. And everything in between. In late November 2010, she was even hired by Charmin to open up a new bathroom in Times Square. Now that's famous. (And kind of weird.) Her wedding to Kris Humphries pulled in $18 million in one day. There are obvious downsides to living your life, and love, in the public eye; Kim filed for divorce after 72 days of marriage.” ( Even Kim has her own theory about how she rose to fame, “"It started when I went out on a date with Nick Lachey," Kim writes in Kardashian Konfidential. "Of course the paparazzi took pictures, because people were curious about who he was with. So the next night I was out with Paris Hilton," she continues. "We were in her car and the paparazzi started taking pictures. Usually they would shout, 'Paris! Paris! Paris!' [But] they started yelling 'Kim! Kim! Kim!' I wanted to hide, and Paris and I just looked at each other and laughed. She said, 'Whatever you do, just smile.' I thought, this is so weird, I don't know what’s going on. It was surreal." Maybe the question of why Kim is famous is an open-ended one. Maybe her rise to fame is based on multiple

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