Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults Essay

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Juveniles should definitely be tried as adults because, it’s not like they don’t know what they are doing. Now days people are smarter than we think, with the increase in technology, we can’t take anyone for granite. Department of statistic Malaysia will released juveniles involved in crime by type of 2014-2015. The highest percentage of children involved in crime was property-related crimes that was 36.0 per cent (2015) compared to 42.9 per cent (2014). This was followed by drug (29.7%) and people-related crimes (13.4%).With such number it is evident that juveniles are causing more harm to country, and since, they are old enough to commit serious crime, then they are old enough to do the time. Thus they should be tried as adults. …show more content…

A lot of important troubled juvenile is sent to an adult prison .Second strict punishments on juvenile can have really preventive and deterrent effect an all age groups in society, so by using harsh penalties like emprisonment of juvenile case can be decreased. On the other hand, Juvenile must be tried as adults. Compared to adults Juvenile are the major reason for bullying cases. Currently, our country facing many bully cases. In my opinion, last couple of month ago, 18 years old T.Nhaveen was allegedly tortured, beaten by his high school classmates because he was “effeminate”. The young boy with a lot of dreams will murdered by Juveniles. Malaysia have suffered from some form of bullying which has grown to be serious pandemic in the country. The best way to reduce these crimes is sent Juveniles to adult jail In the face of such Juveniles should be changed as adults only if the crime committed is heinous. Think that if a kid commits a crime like rape, murder a something else like that, they should be changed as a Juvenile because there is a proven study that. Kids who grow up in bad homes, bad neighborhood or the like often do things because they don’t know any better. They should get

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