Juveniles Should Not Be Tried As Adults Essay

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Juvenile offenders should not be tried as adults because there are differences between a teenager and adult. A teenager is not mature as an adult. Some teenagers are capable to change their behavior and are capable to recognize their own mistakes. It is a huge mistake for juveniles offenders to be tried as adults and send them to adult court and prison . There are many factors why they should not be tried as adult.
One reason why juvenile offenders should not be tried as adult is because they are far from adulthood. Many teenager who have committed a crime has a different background. For example, they have suffered sex abused, their parents have been drug addicted , or have been in prison for many years. There are many factors …show more content…

A minority of them can feel regret and will change with help and rehabilitation. While they are paying their sentences in a Juvenile hall some of the offenders could want to change and be better person. In Gail Garinger’s article “ Juveniles Don't Deserve Life Sentence” (Garinger 93) she stated that “ As a former juvenile court judge I have seen firsthand the enormous capacity of children to change and turn themselves. The same malleability that makes them vulnerable to peer pressure also makes them promising candidates for rehabilitation” This means that they can be influenced by friends, family or someone just as they choose the wrong path so they can choose the same right again. For example Marquese from the documentary ‘ Juvenile Justice’ He has been on probation and spent time in juvenile hall, at the juvenile camp, and at the California Youth Authority. He was recently most charged with auto theft and residential burglary. He testified that he began doing bad things when he was at a young age. Now he says that he wants to changed and that he knew what he did was wrong. This truly prove that juvenile offender can be easily influenced Marquese’s mother testified that she was the one who taught Marquese to steal at an early age. Now his mother is being rehabilitated and also Marquese. These

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