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Literature Review On Factors Responsible For Juvenile Delinquency
Should courts be allowed to sentence juveniles as adults
Should courts be allowed to sentence juveniles as adults
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Many people assume that teenagers should not be sentenced as adults, because their brain is not fully developed. On the other hand, people believe if teenagers commit crimes then they need to have consequences for their actions. According to the Campaign for Youth Justices, about 250,000 teenagers are tried, sentenced, or incarcerated as adults every year in the United States (Campaign for Youth Justices 3). Therefore, charging teenagers as adults is fair, because they are human beings just like adults.
On Friday August 16, 2013, Christopher Lane was shot in the back of the head by James Edwards, Chancey Luna, and Michael Jones in Duncan, Oklahoma. While looking on social networks Edwards mentions on his Facebook account: “I see death around the Coner” (Edwards). As a result, Edwards knew what he is doing, because why would you want to put stuff on Facebook about killing someone? While interpreting this quote, it tells me that Edwards knew what person he was going for. One defendant explains to the Police Chief, Danny Ford, “ We were bored and didn’t have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody.” If the teenagers were bored, how can Edwards tweet that he sees death around the corner? According to Edwards Facebook status, he was planning to commit a crime. Remember, planning is the process of making plans for something. On April 19, 2013, Edwards updated a Facebook status saying: “When s**t gets serious... That n***a always #M.I.A. He bout to dropped from the team” (Edwards). Edwards knew who he wanted to kill, because Lane played on a baseball team for an Oklahoma College. In addition, Edwards Facebook updates says he was going to drop someone from a team, therefore, it shows that Lane was the target. James Edwards, C...
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...d Cooper and her friends took ten dollars from Pelke and her car keys? When I get bored, I don’t think about killing an innocent person. While interpreting the Ruth Pelke case, it’s hard to believe that people would so such a thing to an innocent person that is minding their own business.
In the article called, “Kids Are Kids-Until They Commit Crimes,” by Marjie Lundstrom mentions that if kids commit a crime, then they are not kids. Lundstrom says in her article, “On March 9, Lionel Tate-who was twelve when he savagely beat to death a six-year-old-will likely learn if he must spend life in prison after his lawyer unsuccessfully tried to put pro wrestlying on trial. Now fourteen and convicted as an adult of first-degree murder, Tate supposedly was imitating his World Wrestling Federation heroes when he pummeled his playmate, less than a third his size” (Lundstrom).
This one particular story is just crazy, how could you just kill someone with no remorse. On fox 4 news there was a terrible incident that had transpired. The day of June 12 located in the area of Mesquite Texas it was affirmed that two young men were shot and murdered in cold blood during the day around 4:00 pm.The newscast says the victims were selling drugs. The drug deal soon turns into a robbery escalated into a bigger crime a murder.
Also, in Marjie Lundstrom’s brief article entitled, Kids Are Kids-Until They Commit Crimes, she centers on the case of twelve year old Lionel Tate and his punishment for committing murder. For instance, Lundstrom states how Tate at the age of twelve savagely beat to death a young girl while he was trying to mimic one of his ‘World Wrestling Heroes” which he saw on television and at the age of fourteen became convicted as an adult of first degree murder (Lundstrom). At the time he was only twelve when he committed the crime and still to this day is getting punished for a heinous crime he committed at such a young age. Although Tate did commit a cruel crime and should receive some sort of punishment for it, the fact that he is under age should
Years ago the gruesome murders of 3 8-year-old boys shocked West Memphis Arkansas Stevie branch Christopher byers and Michael Moore second-grade playmates were beaten to death naked tied up in Shallowater.Police arrested three teenagers who were alleged devil worshiping ringleader mean Damien Echols Echols and 16-year-old Jason Baldwin denied involvement but 17-year-old Jessie Misskelley telling authorities they killed the boys Hanson counter in the woods this Kelly who defense attorneys claim has a low IQ now says the confessions workhorse despite a lack of significant physical evidence linking the teens to the crime all three were found guilty Ackles was sentenced to death.17-year-olds Jessie confesses to watching two other suspects choke rape and sexually mutilated three W. Memphis second graders.Reports according to the published report Misskelly told police he watched 18-year-old Damien Echols and 16-year-old Jason Baldwin hit the children with a club and a knife. At a press conference Inspector Gary Getchell said the case against the accused team is very strong the only problem is that the statement of sheriff Berkowitz the citizens of the state that was true was absolutely bull he knew he had to know that Dan has knows it was not a single piece of credible evidence to type any baby that most of these but the two pieces of evidence that existed at that time were a statement by a woman who is facing embezzlement charges.charges that she wouldn't play detective find out what went on in this case she knew was Kelly and she told the police that as a detective Ms. Kelly had taken her baby Neckles twisted panic S that her name was Vicky Hutchison what we know today about that I know that the show that's one piece of evidence the s...
Marjie Lundstrom in her article Kids are Kids until they commit crimes says “research suggests that adolescents squeezed through the adult system are more likely to come out as violent career criminals than similar kids handled on the juvenile side”. This means if they do a crime and don’t get punished they’ll come out as violent career criminals then other kids that get punished because the kids that get punished will have learned their lesson that there are consequences for their violent negative behavior. This is true because many juvenile offenders are
There has always been controversies as to whether juvenile criminals should be tried as adults or not. Over the years more and more teenagers have been involved in committing crimes. In some cases the juries have been too rough on the teens. Trying teens as adults can have a both positive and negative views. For example, teens that are detained can provide information about other crimes, can have an impact in social conditions, and serve as experience; however, it can be negative because teens are still not mature enough for that experience, they are exposed to adult criminals; and they will lose out on getting an education.
How immature juveniles are not known. But what we do know is that they are indeed immature, and cannot control their actions at times. Teens do not think at times, as Marjie Lundstrom says in her article Kids Are Kids-Until They Commit Crimes from the Sacramento Bee, published March 1, 2001 “.Tate supposedly was imitating his World Wrestling Federation heroes when he pummeled his playmate, less than a third his size.” .... ...
Juveniles deserve to be tried the same as adults when they commit certain crimes. The justice systems of America are becoming completely unjust and easy to break through. Juvenile courts haven’t always been known to the everyday person.
Many people claim that the child did not know any better, or that he was brought up with the idea that this behavior is acceptable. Although there is some truth to these allegations, the reality of this social issue is far more complex. Therefore we ask the question, "Should childhood offenders of capital crimes be treated as adults?" To begin with, numerous reasons for why a child acts in the manner he exhibits and why he continues to exert such dangerous and even fatal schemes. Recent research shows that factors ranging from inherited personality traits to chemical imbalances and damages suffered in the womb can increase the odds that a child will become violent (Johnson 234).
Teenagers do not have what we call “adult” rights therefore they should not be sentenced as one. For example in the Article “Kids Are Kids - Until They Commit Crimes” by Marjie Lundstrom she said “It’s a glaring inconsistency that’s getting more glaring by the hour as children as
Hundreds of youth under the age of 16 are incarcerated at the Department of Juvenile Justice in New York City. The majority of these young people locked up do not pose a threat to society because they are convicted of non-violent, low-level offenses. If these are low-level offenses, why are these young individuals being sent to juvenile centers? Well, rather than employing traditional disciplinary measures for minor discretions such as detention or counseling, faculty members are instead using drastic methods such as suspension, expulsion and law enforcement to punish the youth. This funneling of students out of school and into the streets and the juvenile correction system is known as the “School-to-Prison-Pipeline.” This cycle deprives the youth who are in poverty, of meaningful opportunities such as an education and a future.
That’s why we don’t permit 15-year-olds to drink, drive, vote or join the military” (qtd. in Billitteri). There is adolescent-development research according to Hambrick, J. and Ellem, J that has shown “children do not possess the same capacity as adults to think thru the consequences of their behaviors, control their responses or avoid peer pressure” (qtd. in Lyons). There are some very good points made in the argument against sentencing youth as adults but I still have a hard time agreeing with peer pressure or impulse control as a reason to be held in a juvenile center for less than a few years for murder. Ryan, L. uses the example of a report released by the Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention on “Juvenile Transfer Laws : An Effective Deterrent to Delinquency?” This report found that prosecuting youths as adults has little or no effect on juvenile crime.” She uses this information and backs it up with the report showing “youths prosecuted as adults are more likely to re-offend than youths handled in the juvenile justice system” (qtd. in Katel). This is definitely a new perspective, but I still stand with my first take on the subject. “We know young people can commit serious crimes, and the consequences are no less tragic” (qtd in
For example, the court has already struck down the death penalty and the life in prison without parole for juveniles or for young offenders convicted of non-homicide. According to the article, “Juveniles Don’t Deserve Life In Prison,” Paul Garinger states that “Brain imaging studies reveal that the regions of the adolescent brain that are responsible for controlling thoughts, actions, and emotions are not fully developed. They can not be held to the same standards when they commit terrible crimes.” If this is true, there is no reason to treat juveniles as adults.
Should juveniles be sentenced to prison for life? Should juveniles be trialed as adults after committing a heinous crime and sentenced to life? As a teenager, this question is far too complicated to answer because I am a teenager yet in my opinion, I believe that the juvenile should not be sentenced to life. I believe that there is another way to punish them for their crimes. The last execution was in 2006 in California.
I believe that teenagers that comite second or third degree murder should not be sentenced to life without parole. On May 2001 A fourteen year old boy named Nathaniel Brazill in West Palm Beach killed his teacher Barry Grunow by shooting his teacher that he considered his favorite teacher. Which leads me to my main point, if something is your favorite it will take a lot of convincing to get rid of it or stop associating with it however, that is only if you're an adult if a young boy or adult decides to get rid of his favorite toy all there need is a bit of emotion that is associated with anger to turn it from there favorite to their least favorite because, unlike an adult they still don't know the real meaning of favorite simply because they are too young and there emotions are to unpredictable and uncontrollable. My first example of why teenages should not be sentence a teenager to life in prison without parole is too much for someone that is that young let them mature and develop besides no one will benefit if he just
Juveniles commit different crimes because they want to murder people for revenge, peer pressure and many other reasons. The results of committing crimes have consequences and punishments. Juveniles can be sentenced to prison or be sentenced to a mental hospital. Depending on how small or big the crime is, juveniles can be sentenced to prison or mental hospital for a few years when committing a minor crime or for many years when committing a huge crime like murdering people . When teen’s brain are not fully developed as adults, it causes them to have revenge, peer pressure, and many other reasons.