Juvenile Court Case

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1) When George moved to the four-day workweek scheme, should he have expected his managers to work five days a week for four days' pay?
No, George shouldn’t have expected them to work five days and get paid for four. Now, if he wanted the upper management to do it for a short period of time because upper management was salary then he need to run that by the union or board.
2) Should George tell anyone except his immediate staff about the impending layoff before the details have been worked out? What about the board of directors? The union? The employees? I think it was important to talk to his board of directors and union. I would save the talk with employees and immediate staff members until things were worked out. There is no need to cause …show more content…

Are there situations in which it is best to try to keep a lid on such information?
In the way the case read, I felt that George was so new to his job title that things he did in his 1st year wouldn’t necessarily be things that he would do again. George knew he had an issue 6 weeks before that, he might of waited too long to share the news that the company was heading for trouble. To answer the 2nd question, I would say that “keeping a lid on things” is best for no one. I think there is a short “grace period” when a company is in trouble and then that needs to be shared with all who work there.
4) The particular jobs cut at ACI were chosen on the basis of the long-range interests of the business and not on the nationality of the work force. As the reporter's questions implied, shouldn't American businesses favor American employees over foreign employees? What do you think George said to the TV reporters?
I went back and forth on this question. I think American employees should have been favored over foreign employees, if the business is in America. Now, business might make different decisions based on labor rates. It’s no surprise that foreign workers will work for less. To answer the 2nd question, I’m assuming George told the reporters something like this: “we respect all of our employees here at ACI, and we will continue to do what we can to save jobs and keep the company going in the right

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