The driving forces in the play Julius Caesar are the characters Marcus Brutus, Julius Caesar, and Marc Antony. Julius Caesar is the center of the ordeal of leadership in Rome when the play begins. When Caesar returns to Rome he is looked upon by the fickle plebeians as a glorious and triumphant hero. The authority of his heroism is questioned when the honorable Marcus Brutus speaks to the townspeople during Caesar’s funeral. Brutus proves to be the better leader for Rome rather than Caesar or Antony. Brutus is wiser and more honorable than the other Romans. He was the only one truly looking out for the good of Rome and not himself.
Julius Caesar is thought of as the most powerful and glorious ruler to step foot in Rome. The only thing Caesar cares about is power and his reputation. He has just returned from killing Pompey and his sons. His reasoning has only to do with his ambition for power and glory. Caesar is offered the crown but refuses it multiple times. He is trying to prove to the plebeians that he is not only interested in power. The crowd’s reaction was not what he expec...
Brutus is a Good Leader in William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Brutus is the most fit character to be a leader in the entire book. Brutus is a take. charge of the kind of person.
Julius Caesar is the leader of Rome and is seeking to become king in a matter of time. Though he is a good military strategist, he lacks knowledge in running government and is too greedy to have any concern for the peasants when he is alive. Caesar is all about conquering and power and he is afraid of nothing. Before he is murdered, he says “The things that threatened me ne’er looked but on my back. When they shall see the face of Caesar, they are vanished” (II, ii, 575). Th...
Throughout the play many characters are not who they turn out to be. Julius Caesar is a very good judge of character, he does not ruts Cassius, he says “ He thinks too much man, such men are dangerous”( shakespeare,1.2.195). Caesar foreshadows now dangerous Cassius is, Cassius is one person who stabs Caesar. Unlike Caesar, Brutus trusts people too much to see who they are. After Caesar 's death, Brutus trusts Marc Antony to give his speech, but Cassius says “ You know not what you do. Do not consent./ that Antony speak in his funeral. I know you how much the people may be moved/ by that which he will utter.” (shakespeare,3.2.333-335). Caesar was an amazing military leader, Brutus was not. Before Caesar becomes king, he gained land back to Rome “ Julius Caesar has just returned to Rome after a long civil war in which he defeated the forces of pompey” (applebee) Caesar led his military to victory and has the chance to take full control of Rome. brutus is a humble military leader company to Caesar. After Brutus won his battle over Octavius’ army, he left his men begin looting. Instead of helping Cassius’ army “ O Cassius, Brutus gave the word too early,/ who, having some advantages on Octavius/ took it too eagerly. His soldiers fell to spoil/ whilst we by Antony are all enclosed .(Shakespeare,5.3.5-8) Brutus had a bad call when he did not send his army to help Cassius. With Caesars flaw being
For thousands of years people have been talking about the great powerful Caesar. He is one of the greatest known dictators known to people today mostly because of all of the things he was able to accomplish during his rein as emperor. After reading primary sources about Caesar, it has given me a better understanding of what other people thought of him during this time period. It’s safe to say that Caesar was obsessed with power and respect from other people that would explain his thirst for war and land, which is one of his greatest strengths and helped in making Rome a great empire.
Julius Caesar has a lot mixed feeling about different people and different events. Some people say that the characters control their destiny. Every decision they make or the friends they choose will guide them in with right path or wrong path in life. The conspirators will guide you down the wrong path because they aren't good people and if you end up making them mad you could end of dying just like Julius Caesar. In the play Julius Caesar you are in complete control of your destiny.
shakespeare was one of the most famous writer in the western literary world. his works shine like the morning stars in the sky. julius caesar is one of his masterpiece. it is a script described julius caesar’s assassination and people around him. in julius caesar shakespeare exposes the disadvantages of leadership through the actions, conflicts and failure of brutus. there are many place in the play show that brutus is not a good leader. brutus is a tragic hero in this play, he is a noble man, he want to kill caesar not for himself but for rome. under his leading, the people who followed him to kill caesar going to fail step by step.
Rome was one of the greatest empires of all time. It had it’ s up and times though but starting in 46 b.c. Julius Ceasar led Rome and brought them into one of the most prosperous times in their history. Caesar’s military excellence brought more power and land that led to increase in size and strength of Rome. His leadership helped the prosperity and stability in Rome. Julius Ceasar was a natural born leader. His military expertise and social and political reforms led him to become one of Rome’s greatest rulers.
In the play, Julius Caesar ,many of the leading characters such as Caesar, Brutus, and Mark Antony have encountered many difficult situations, which are described in the book. Just as everyone has their own way of taking care of their issues, well so did these three characters in this dramatic piece. The first character, Julius Caesar, faces many obstacles in the play. One of the most important obstacles he faced was the decision on whether he should attend his coronation or not considering that there might be people who are waiting to assassinate him.
The play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare showcases many characters and events that go through many significant changes. One particular character that went through unique changes was Julius Caesar. The 16th century work is a lengthy tragedy about the antagonists Brutus and Cassius fighting with the protagonists Octavius, Antony, and Lepidus over the murder of Julius Caesar. Although the play’s main pushing conflict was the murder of Julius Caesar, he is considered a secondary character, but a protagonist. Throughout the theatrical work Julius Caesar’s actions, alliances, character developments, and internal and external conflicts display his diverse changes.
Two powerful leaders, one power hungry whose ambitious ideas lead to his downfall, the other mindful of people who deserve their higher positions. A true leader is someone who has a vision, a drive and commitment to achieve what's best. In the play written by William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Brutus and Caesar are one of the main characters. They demonstrate leadership qualities that are still relevant to today. They are both very ambitious characters; however, they do so for different reasons and differ in their openness to others. There are many similarities and differences that lie between them. Both are noble and great men with loyal followers and neither man questions the rightness of his own path. Both made crucial mistakes that resulted in their death. However, Caesar acts out of love for for himself, his country, and to retain his power as ruler of Rome. Brutus on the other hand acts out of love for freedom of Rome. This essay will discuss and compare their qualities as leaders as well as their styles and how they are effective/ineffective in the play.
Caesar and Brutus were truly noble people. Caesar was a dignified and courageous man. He gained his power through hard work and courage. However, Caesar was marked by a weakness: he wanted too much power. This weakness proved to be fatal in the play. Brutus, on the other hand, was a strong leader throughout the whole play. People listened to him easily and he showed his nobility by always being open to others. Despite his good character, he did make one fatal mistake in judgment. He killed Caesar thinking he would gain too much power, yet it was truly his friend Cassius’s jealously of Caesar that truly snared him into the conspiracy.
“Not that I loved Caesar less/but that I loved Rome more” (3.2.23-24). The play, Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare tells the story about a group of senators that conspire to assassinate Rome’s beloved leader, Julius Caesar. Caesar’s closest friend, Marcus Brutus, joins the senators and leads them as they get ready to attack. Brutus makes an excellent and effective leader because of his great leadership qualities such as patriotism, truthfulness, compassion and nobility.
The play Julius Caesar depicts Brutus to be an extremely noble being who is well respected and honored by all Romans, even his enemies. Brutus was a loving friend of Julius Caesar and wished anything but death on his comrade, but his love and dedication to the majestic city of Rome would force him to commit anything. He fights a war to defend Rome from a king or emperor's tyrannical rule. When the war was finished, even his enemies saw that he was the most respectable Roman of them all.
In order to become the dictator and king of Rome Julius Caesar had to gain the people's trust and after that he had to get rid of those who stood in his way. He wanted to put up a front of looking firm and decisive but he couldn’t have anyone defy him. If he allowed one to defy him and let him live. Caesar believed it would give others the idea that they could ignore his commands as well and not pay the consequences. This could have lead to a loss of respect from his troops and followers. Queen Elizabeth did not have to use this idea as often as Julius.
It was the citizens’ positive reaction to Caesar during his triumphant return after his victory over the sons of Pompey that fueled the fear of Caesar’s becoming king. The citizens’ opposition to Pompey’s allies caused great disturbances in the streets because a short while ago, Pompey was their hero. Now Caesar, victorious, is the hero of the hour. Their response also influenced the idea that Caesar was becoming too ambitious. Thus, the citizens of Rome had a role in the fate of Julius Caesar.