What does it take to be an effective leader? In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar is given the crown to be the leader of Rome after his triumph. After Brutus slaughters Caesar, Mark Antony appears to compliment on Brutus while he organizes the crowd to take revenge against the conspirators, Brutus and Cassius, for the murder of Caesar. Mark Antony is an effective leader because he demonstrates intelligence, confidence, and manipulation in a decent way despite his manipulative acts of persuasion.
First, Mark Antony has been loyal to Caesar since the beginning of the play; in addition, he is a decent speaker that can persuade individuals to follow him at Caesar’s funeral. At the end of the funeral, numerous Romans take Antony’s concept of revenging the conspirators for their wrong-doing. The Plebeians say, “We’ll burn the house of Brutus/ Away then. Come, seek the conspirators” (3.2.245-246). It suggests the powerful effects of Antony’s speech which make the Plebeians seek revenge, versus Brutus’s speech about how Caesar deserves to die because of his ambition. Although it is true that Antony can easily
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Antony is unlike other leaders who use manipulation in a bad or harmful way. By revealing these traits, he needs the Romans to acknowledge the injustice and that they ought to fight for equality before the conspirators overuse their power. From the play of Julius Caesar, we can see making decisions are hard, especially those that impacts a larger population like those that the President made, it can causes problems that are difficult to reverse, that’s why we should think twice before we speak or made an action because we might never know the results of our decision until its
Since the people knew Caesar because of his friendliness and how nice he was to people he was able to get sympathy for his death. When the people remembered how good he was at one point they wanted to get vengeance on the conspirators,Antony had used persuasion and reverse psychology with the crowd to get mad at the conspirators. Brutus had not connected to the people as well because he did not give as much sympathy about Caesar's Death , and what he will give in return. Antony had touched the people when he sad said that he had money and land for the people of rome but he did not want to read it because it would make them made. Once that had hit there was no way Brutus could fight back against Antony's
The people are essential to Antony's plan. He didn't just go and give a speech about how he felt, he knew what would come from his actions. “ I thrice presented him the crown, which he did thrice refuse” Antony is trying not to show Caesar faults, but shows how Brutus lied about Caesar being honorable, later stating honor should be made of stronger stuff . Antony is showing that when Brutus says Caesar was ambitious, he was showing that Caesar wasn't ambitious and that Brutus lied. Antony knows that if he can make Brutus seem not honorable, he can get the people to turn on the perfect
Brutus put his trust in Antony to not turn on him at the funeral. He was lead to believe that Antony would only speak good of the conspirators and defend them for the actions they have made. He trusted Antony when he told him he would not express such hate and talk of the bad they did and then later turned against them for the vengeance of Caesar. Brutus told Antony, “You shall not in your funeral speech blame us, But speak all good you can devise of Caesar” (III.i.245-246). He told him that the only way he is going to be able to speak at Caesar’s funeral is if he speaks good of the conspirators. After Antony said his speech, the whole crowd immediately switched and sided with him against them. They wanted nothing more than for Brutus, Cassius and the other contributors to be dead. This reveals that Brutus is shameful for putting his trust in someone who was so close to Caesar. Brutus trusted that Antony wouldn't do anything and just imagined he would be to scared to step up and speak out. This leads to Brutus losing the trust he had for Antony and starting a war between the people and the conspirators. As the war was about to proceed, they all prepped for what was about to happen. Antony and his army completely dominated Brutus’ and lead to many of them fleeing for their lives. Many people died by genocide while other committed suicide. Brutus was among the ones of suicide. He no longer wanted to be alive and felt that he had lived and fulfill what he had wanted. People were dead and he knew he was going to be one of them. Brutus’ last words were, “Caesar, now be still; I killed not thee with half so good a will” (V.v.50-51). He wanted Caesar to know that he can now be at rest because the vengeance he was looking for has been given. Because of all the trust he put in the people that were taking advantage of him, he ended up finishing his life. This reveals that Brutus really did
Firstly, Antony says a general statement that, “the evil that men do lives after them” (III.ii.74), when in fact he is subtly and sneeringly referring to the conspirators actions. The Roman commoners don’t realize that this general statement is swaying them, but the rest of Antony’s speech further convinces them of the evil the conspirators have done. Later, Antony talks about Brutus says that “sure, [he] is an honourable man” (III.ii.98), emphasis on the sure. Because he uses a scornful tone while sarcastically saying this statement, he is really beginning to show the audience his true feelings on the situation. Knowing that even Antony bitterly disagrees with the choices of the conspirators, it further persuades the common people of Rome to turn against Brutus and the rest of Caesar’s murderers. These occasions show Antony’s sour tone, especially towards the conspirators, and Antony’s tone also riles up the Roman citizens. His tone helps to exasperate the commoners with Caesar’s murder, and therefore assists Antony in achieving his purpose to manipulate the audience to turn against
Antony is the trusted lietenant who is popular with Caesar because he follows Julius Caesar by his heart instead of getting wealthy. You disagree with the argument of killing Antony or not because you don’t want to make bloody. However, after Caesar’s death, Antony will be the best speaker to take the chance to speak toward the crowd in public, and he will make a great speech that make people love Caesar more than you, and it causes people to make revenge for Caesar.
He had changed his political preference to accommodate for Julius Caesar’s friendship. He put his life on the line on multiple occasions to prove his loyalty to Caesar. Even though Julius Caesar’s party sought his demise Mark Antony stayed true to Caesar. After the death of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony proved his love for Caesar by giving a eulogy at his funeral. During the eulogy,which Brutus gave permission to Antony to give, Antony cleverly made Julius Caesar look good as he sarcastically destroys the reputations of the conspirators ”
Later on, when the conspirators gather at Brutus’ home, Brutus believes that the other conspirators are killing Caesar for the good of Rome as well (2, 1, ll.114-116). After Brutus and the conspirators have killed Caesar, Mark Antony masks his anger and sadness for Caesar and shows that he does not have a conflict with the conspirators (3, 1, ll.154-176).
Two powerful leaders, one power hungry whose ambitious ideas lead to his downfall, the other mindful of people who deserve their higher positions. A true leader is someone who has a vision, a drive and commitment to achieve what's best. In the play written by William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Brutus and Caesar are one of the main characters. They demonstrate leadership qualities that are still relevant to today. They are both very ambitious characters; however, they do so for different reasons and differ in their openness to others. There are many similarities and differences that lie between them. Both are noble and great men with loyal followers and neither man questions the rightness of his own path. Both made crucial mistakes that resulted in their death. However, Caesar acts out of love for for himself, his country, and to retain his power as ruler of Rome. Brutus on the other hand acts out of love for freedom of Rome. This essay will discuss and compare their qualities as leaders as well as their styles and how they are effective/ineffective in the play.
“Not that I loved Caesar less/but that I loved Rome more” (3.2.23-24). The play, Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare tells the story about a group of senators that conspire to assassinate Rome’s beloved leader, Julius Caesar. Caesar’s closest friend, Marcus Brutus, joins the senators and leads them as they get ready to attack. Brutus makes an excellent and effective leader because of his great leadership qualities such as patriotism, truthfulness, compassion and nobility.
Antony’s goal was to persuade the crowd of plebeians that the conspirators acted impetuously and Caesar did not need to be killed. He uses many rhetorical devices to strengthen his speech and gain the support of the crowd. From rhetorical questions to the use of pathos, Antony masters the art of persuasion. His speech moves the crowd from believing Brutus’ reasoning for killing Caesar, to understanding that Caesar did not have to die.
While Brutus sees life as something to be solved with logic and guided by morality, Mark Antony views life as something that he can twist and mold into whatever he needs it to be at any given moment. Mark Antony uses the audience of the funeral speech as tools to wrench the Roman Republic from the hands of Brutus and place the crown on his own head. He inspires rage and distrust in the plebeians, and directly spurs on the Battle of Philippi. Brutus is roped into this situation despite his unselfish motives, and has to defend himself and his fellows against the armies of Mark Antony and the young Octavius. From beginning to end, the characters of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar are true to their defining qualities and do not depart from the molds they have cast of
Mark Antony's Speech from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Mark Antony’s funeral oration over the body of Julius Caesar in act three, scene two is the most important speech in the play and effects the development of the play as a whole in many ways. Firstly this speech falls in the play where we have seen Antony’s distraught reaction to the murder of Caesar and his letter vowing allegiance to Brutus in return for being able to live. Act three, scene one prepares us for Antony’s rhetoric as here he states that ‘Brutus is noble, wise, valiant and honest’ which fits in with him repeatedly stating ‘Brutus is an honourable man’. It becomes evident in this scene that Antony has an ulterior motive for forming this allegiance and asking to do the funeral oration when he is ‘swayed from the point by looking down on Caesar’ and then states that ‘friends am I with you all, and love you all’ but still wants to know ‘why and wherein Caesar was dangerous’. Thus we the audience are aware that Antony is not being honest with the conspirators especially when he speaks in a soliloquy of the anarchy he will create when he states ‘blood and destruction shall be so in use…that mothers shall but smile when they behold/
At the beginning of Act III, Brutus has the most power because he is still the most honorable person, and has not murdered Caesar yet. The people know about the conspiracy to kill Caesar, based on the fact that Artimidorous tried to warn Caesar, however, they did not try to stop the conspirators. These events demonstrate that the people thought he was doing the right thing for the people of Rome. After the conspirators killed Caesar, the common people were saying, “Caesar’s better parts / shall be crowned in Brutus” (A3, s2, line 52-53). This means that everything that the people liked in Caesar will be in Brutus, once they crown him king. Right after the plebeians said this, Mark Antony made all of the people change their minds and go against Brutus and the other conspirators. At this point, Antony now has the most power in Rome because he has changed the minds of all the people in Rome. The people were for Brutus being the king, but in a very short time, Antony swayed the people against the conspirators. This shows that the people value his opinion so highly that it overruled the fact that Brutus only does actions for the most honorable reasons. For example, when the people say, “Revenge! About! Seek! Burn! Fire! Kill! Slay! /Let not a traitor live!” (A3, s2, line 210-211). This means the the people of Rome won’t let the death of Caesar rest until the people avenge the death of their soon to
He passionately described the deeds Caesar performed in behalf of the citizens of Rome, which clearly contradict the opinion of the conspirators that Caesar was too ambitious. Antony carefully uses irony in referring to Cassius and Brutus as honorable men; the strategy wins over the citizens and they listen with growing anger to his words. He leads the citizens to the body and begins to show the brutal results of the murder while simultaneously influencing them to believe that the conspirators are murderers and traitors. Ultimately, Antony reads Caesar’s will, which leaves his parks, private estates, and newly planted gardens to the citizens of Rome.
Revenge is also apparent when Antony organizes an army to defeat the conspirators and brings them to justice. Since revenge is a central theme, Antony uses much effort into organizing the army which will defeat Brutus. He must not only act in front of Brutus so that Brutus will let him make his oration at Caesar's funeral, but he also has to use much effort into composing his oration. When discussing which one of the conspirators should die, Antony suggests that his own brother Publius should also die,