Julius Caesar Climax

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In the play Julius Caesar the climax should be after, when Antony gives his speech and persuades the people that something wrong has occurred. Many people will argue that this is not the case. After Antony gives his speech there is no return. In result of his speech there is war, death, and suicides. Antony’s speech gave a blow that wasn't undoable.

Mark Antony’s speech was very put together. It caused a lot of trouble for the conspiracists. His speech was adding air to the fire.The definition of climax is “the most intense, exciting, or important point of something; a culmination or apex”. Following the climax is the downfall of the story. He knew what he was doing, he talked about all the good things Caesar did “......But yesterday the word of Caesar might have stood against the world”. Imagine if America Bombed Russia that is exactly what this moment was. It was a point of no return. …show more content…

But this part really takes the cake. Caesar got stabbed okay? But was that the main point of the story? Nothing really happened after that. Antony’s speech sparked controversy, but so did Caesar's death. It was just that what Anthony did was way bigger. He caused war and bloodshed, he just kept on pulling and pulling until he got the people right where he wanted them. He was smart he got them on their side. Everyone thought loving the people “"Not that I loved Caesar less, but I loved Rome more."(3.2.21-22) Everyone thought that the people would be understanding. You thought it was going to be the end. Antony had other plans that leads us into the end of the

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