Julie Benz's Havenhurst

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Havenhurst has all the right ingredients to make a pretty good horror film. It has a wonderful gothic setting, some pretty actresses with Julie Benz as the main star and Danielle Harris showing up for a bit. It also has some really good gore scenes that come out of nowhere. Nevertheless, all of these ingredients don't seem to want to mix properly, resulting in a horror film that feels like it's lacking something. It isn't all bad, though, so read on to see what is what... PLOT SUMMARY MOVIE REVIEW The film starts off on the wrong foot pretty much right away with having Danielle Harris show up in a role that rivals the length of Drew Barrymore's in Scream. Okay, that's fine, at least her character is used as the catalyst for Julie Benz's …show more content…

Jackie is a recovering alcoholic, who has been placed in Havenhurst, but her main goal instead of getting better is finding out where her friend disappeared too. We the audience know that something very weird is going on at the hotel, which involves sliding walls, trapdoors and a big lumbering psycho picking off anyone that has gone back to their bad habits. Jackie is slowly figuring out what is happening, thanks to the help of a scrappy little foster kid and a cop friend. Unfortunately, the movie sets up the story but fails to deliver when the end rolls around. We have all these unresolved questions lingering in the air and the movie abruptly ends on a downer note, not providing any resolution. It's obvious that the movie is setting up a sequel, but sometimes it's better to make sure your first movie is a good before hedging your bets on a sequel. I didn't completely dislike Havenhurst, as there is some fun to be had with the flick. We have some out of the blue gore scenes that will satisfy practical effects fans and the set pieces are pretty nifty, with all the crazy fake walls and hidden rooms. Plus, the "monster," although unexplained, is pretty physically intimidating, even if he looks like he walked off the set of Prometheus. Also, Jennifer Blanc-Biehn gives us a quick flash of her boobies, so that's

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