Julian Bully

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“Bullying is something that no one should ever have to experience,” unfortunately this anonymous quote happens a lot in life, and it is also happening by Julian, from the book Wonder, written by R.J. Palacio, and Alexia from, Because of Mr.Terupt, written by Rob Buyea.Julian goes to a school where a person named Auggie, who has a deformed face, goes.Julian was picked out of a bunch of students to be nice to him and give him a tour, but julian is not nice.Instead he bullies auggie.Alexia goes to a school that she used to get away with bullying.With her new teacher she does not.Even after her teacher talks to her, she still bullies others.These characters are similar because they share goals, they have negative energy meaning they are rude,and they both work hard in a bad way. Bullies-that's what Alexia and Julian are.But one big thing that they have in common is their goals. For example, Julian wants to be popular and so does Alexia, Julian scares everyone to be popular ,and Alexia does to. Also, they will try to make people feel bad in some way, Julian tries to bully Auggie And Alexia bullies everyone

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