Judith Slaying Holofernes

632 Words2 Pages

Julie Chavez
Art 102
6 - 9pm

Judith Slaying Holofernes Artemisia Gentileschi learned from her father, Orazio whom was inspired by Caravaggio. Gentileschi paintings spread Caravaggio’s style around the peninsula, one of Gentileschi’s painting that dramatically affected society was Judith Slaying Holofernes. This painting can be found in Gardner’s Art through the Ages, Volume II, pg 571. Judith Slaying Holofernes was painted oil on canvas during the Baroque art period and it is 6’ 6 1/3” X 5’4” and is located in Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence. Judith Slaying Holofernes painting expressed one of Gentileschi well known themes, heroic women. There is a story to this painting and it was inspired from the book of Judith and it also connects to the delivery of Israel from the Assyrians. The background story to the painting is Judith gets invited to the Assyrian general, Holofernes, tent and when he falls asleep Judith beheads him and frees the Israel people. In Gentileschi painting she uses dark colors to create dramatic lighting to make the action in the front to imitate Caravaggio’s style of dramatic illumination. This piece of art looks very dramatic and the actions that are occurring in the painting are highlighted by using Caravaggio's technique, tenebrism. The actions being played out in the painting are in the center surrounded by dark lighting. In the painting one can see how strong and …show more content…

In the painting there is a lot of ruffle texture such as Judith’s and her maid’s sleeves and the bed sheets are also ruffled. There is a tint of green in the painting and its placed in Judith’s bracelet and on her bracelet, it seems to have an ancient goddess, Artemis, goddess of chastity and

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