Journalism Admission Essay

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“In America the President reigns for four years, and journalism governs for ever and ever” This fascinating Oscar Wilde quote has stuck in my head since first coming across it many years ago. The idea that the media can have such influence in informing the people of worldly events and shaping opinions really inspires me to partake in a journalism course and follows this career path.
In the journalism industry, it is clear to see that you learn from experience. (leave gap for work experience, applied for Tamworth herald and As well as this, I used social media to contact music artists and create an arrangement in which I would get new music sent to me and I would write honest reviews for up and coming artists to use in advertisement. …show more content…

I found myself attracted to essay based subjects’ due to my love of writing but I was also drawn to the practical elements of media. In my first year of this subject we were assigned to make an opening sequence of a film, the hands-on approach to this, although worried me to start, I believe has given me a further interest in the field of television and broadcast journalism. I enjoyed this subject so much I have decided to also take up the BTEC creative media to further my knowledge in the broadcast aspect of the industry. Politics was something I had never really taken much of an interest in until attending open days for sixth form colleges, after the first meeting with the teachers at Landau Forte Sixth Form I was fascinated in how our country is run and decided it was a must for me to take this subject further. This subject has really opened by eyes to how the country is run and given me excellent knowledge of current affairs and how this will impact our generation and the generations of the future. Now, almost two years later, I have a passion for this subject and it is definitely an option for me to specialise in later in my …show more content…

It was an amazing experience and a huge chance for me to come out of my shell and meet new people. As well as making friends for life and memories I will never forget this award really developed my skills in many areas. As a determined and competitive person, it was a foregone conclusion my team would succeed during the adventure in phase one and as team leader I took my team to victory. In the second stage of the NCS course my team decided we would hold a coffee morning to raise awareness and money for different types of mental health therapy. We raised just shy of £200 which we donated to a dog therapy charity and a charity who focus on mental health in the youth. As team leader of my group I feel that my leadership and organisation skills were developed as well as my ability to work in a team under pressured circumstances like time deadlines, money issues and members of the team who weren’t so compliant. I even was presented with the ‘most outspoken’ award at the concluding

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