The nineteenth instalment in the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War represents the ambitious culmination of this franchise to date. It’s a sprawling epic which finally unites nearly all of the MCU’s note-worthy characters and pays off lingering subplots, making it a pivotal moment that fans have long been anticipating. Happily, the movie is in safe hands with the Russo Brothers at the helm, working from a screenplay by Captain America trilogy scribes Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. After the disappointment of Joss Whedon’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, a change in creative team invigorates Infinity War; it’s at least as great as the original Avengers, and one of the greatest superhero pictures in history. …show more content…
This is a truly epic movie, travelling to numerous different planets and never feeling restrictive. Luckily, whereas Age of Ultron’s gloomy cinematography looked downright ugly, Infinity War is a more vibrant, colourful movie, and it was beautifully captured entirely with IMAX cameras to boot. With the two excellent Captain America sequels under their belts, the Russo Brothers adeptly handle Infinity War’s intimidating requirements, orchestrating exciting action set-pieces which spotlight a selection of gifted characters, each with their own unique abilities. Despite the scale of the chaos, the throwdowns are visceral and pack genuine impact, particularly the immense climactic showdown on Wakanda. Additionally, everything is thankfully captured with smooth cinematography, making the action sequences easy to comprehend and enjoy. There is also enough variety to the action to prevent Infinity War from feeling monotonous or repetitive. Furthermore, Infinity War sees the welcome return of veteran composer Alan Silvestri, who scored the first Avengers back in 2012. Rather than generic action movie music, Silvestri’s compositions are full of flavour and majesty, astutely making use of the memorable Avengers theme when suitable to underscore badass action beats, inspiring pure
To fully understand the relationship between a filmmaker and a composer, it is helpful to take a closer look at the filmmaker’s position towards music in film in general; these can of course differ substantially from one director to another. It seems, one must think, that the complete narrative and emotive potential of film music is not yet fully recognized and appreciated in many film produc...
Overall, the score was beautiful and appropriate, adding suspense and mystery at all the right times. The sound effects added psychological flavor to the story without drawing too much attention to it.
Throughout World War Z by Max Brooks, readers can see how the apocalypse begins. Some of these mistakes can be considered individual human error, but overall can be seen as the government failing to serve its purpose. For example, early in the book, China first discovered that there was a newfound disease starting to spread. Instead of taking the responsibility for this disease, they shrugged it off and redirected other countries attentions. This caused the disease to start as a small outbreak and eventually multiplied. This failure in government can be seen as somewhat of a selfish act in order to preserve the country’s secrecy. Because they did not take the initiative to tell anyone else about the disease, people were unable to take caution and prevent themselves from contracting the plague. Similar to the book Blindness, nobody understood that the disease was amongst them at first. People were suddenly beginning to go blind with many unanswered questions. However, there was never any real truth to be revealed to the citizens in Blindness as there was in World War Z.
In The Handmaid’s Tale, much use is made of imagery; to enable the reader to create a more detailed mental picture of the novel’s action and also to intensify the emotive language used. In particular, Atwood uses many images involving flowers and plants.
In today’s society, we all are to follow the principles that come with America which is
she will not put up with how she is treated. She has the courage to
Most of the Amendments are what some would call, Fair Weather laws. It is the
For example, once the director introduces a soundtrack that makes the viewer get an essence of being there in the moment and following the protagonist throughout his whole adventure while seeking for his daughter. For example, when the director includes the soundtrack titled, “On the Boat” it gives the audience the feeling of thrill, the music combines both the concept of action and hope, the reason being that it makes the viewer want the protagonist to accomplish his goal on retrieving his daughter to safety while also getting the whole action
“Captain America: Civil War” is preceded by “Avengers: Age of Ultron”, which was a huge box office hit. The expectations are set just as high with “Civil War,” based loosely on a comic series of the same name.
Allen Moore’s sordid depiction of twentieth century life presents a complex world, where the distinction between a virtuous hero and a villainous wrongdoer is often blurred. In stark contrast to the traditionally popularized portrayal of superheroes, whose unquestionably altruistic motives ultimately produce unrealistically idealized results; the realistically flawed characters of Watchmen exist in a multi faceted world characterized by moral ambiguity. America’s imperialistic ambitions have long been justified as an expression of American idealism. Much like the portrayal of superheroes in popular culture, America’s intervention in foreign affairs was portrayed as the result of a clearly defined problem, where American intervention was necessary and consensual. The Watchmen exist in an American reality that does not depend on them as the archetypal hero as demonstrated by the fact that their presence is not necessary to the survival of the world. Collectively the characters of Watchmen parallel the tumultuous relationship that as a superpower the United States of America has with the rest of the world.
“Apocalypse Now” is a legendary war film directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The film’s main theme is devastation, violence, and horror. In this film Coppola thoroughly scrutinized the main characters ideas, behavior, and emotions to depict the darkness and the horror of war. His goal was to make the audience part of the horror. He wanted the audience to have a tremendous impact on this film and he succeeded with the perfect use of sound and editing in the ending sequence of his film. I will demonstrate how Coppola exploits a wide array of sound and editing to create suspense, intensity, and anxiety in the sequence to affect the audience’s emotions, using diegetic ambient sound effects, non-diegetic music, voice over and four editing types.
Music can decipher a narrative event by indicating a perspective. To unify a set of diverse images and provide rhythmic and formal continuity and momentum, a film’s structure is more often than not, directly articulated by a musical structure. Music can assist the dialogue and visuals of film and often is inaudible (e.g. music is meant to be heard unconsciously, not consciously). Music has been used by directors to reinforce or strengthen certain weak scenes in film and then on the other hand when music is not needed to reinforce a scene
He is a very happy man that has a true love for music. He has left us music to some of our all time favorite movies, and has inspired us to continue on making great film music. I chose to write about John Williams because the Star Wars sequel is one of my most favored sequels; and it is mainly because of it’s music. I have learned most about his achievements, and what movies that I did not know he had produced music for. John Williams is a very happy person, he is also very wise. But, he does like to keep to himself, whereas he is more of an introvert person. Also, most of the music he writes is inspired by classical music from the 1940s. For example, the Star Wars theme song, is almost identical to the 1942 theme song of the movie King’s Row. People have also compared some music of other movies such as: Superman, Home Alone, and Jaw’s to some classics. I have been deeply impressed by this composer, and I plan to listen to any music that he will come out with again; and if not I will enjoy the musical legacy that he has left behind in his
Sound is what brings movies to life, but, not many viewers really notice. A film can be shot with mediocre quality, but, can be intriguing if it has the most effective foley, sound effects, underscore, etc. Sound in movies band together and unfold the meaning of the scenes. When actors are speaking, the dialogue can bring emotion to the audience, or, it can be used as the ambient sound. Music is one of the main things to have when filmmaking. The use of Claudia Gorbman’s Seven Principles of Composition, Mixing and Editing in Classical Film gives audiences a perspective of sound, and, how it can have an impact on them.
I really liked when the scenes where the image and sound both work together great. I refer to the silence as nothingness and feeling alone because that describes the dark silences perfectly. It is definitely the most prominent part in the movie, and I think more movies should try to use silence to their advantage. I absolutely think that the movie uses silence expressively. For one thing, they are in space so there isn’t a lot of noise in the middle of the galaxy, but for some reason when I think back to when there were shots of the rocket ship in the dark galaxy I think of how the film makers made there be no background noise except the ship which was nice because it made it seem very realistic. Usually in movies there is a lot of background music that you don’t notice, but it helps the scene out. In this case the director used silence to make the scenes more realistic. I think of the scene where Matthew McCaughey goes into the dark hole. He was narrating at the time then suddenly you hear dead silence. It made me have a deeper connection with the movie because the movie was silent, but so were my thoughts. When I think back to the movie, I don’t remember there being a lot of music because it all just blended in, then I went back to see if they had anything special about their music I noticed all the different types of music they had throughout the movie. (This is all referring to my discussion post from chapter