Film Analysis Of Interstellar, Directed By Christopher Nolan

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Interstellar, directed by Christopher Nolan, was a very complex and interesting sci-fi movie. This movie in particular has a lot of factors playing into the movie. Everyone is able to find their favorite part about the movie, and various people can watch this movie and connect with it. This movie came out in 2014, and shocked millions of people by its intense ending. Interstellar was awarded for best visual effects, and then nominated for many other things including, best original score, best sound mixing, and best sound effects which played a huge role in making the movie. The image and sound complement each other, but I thought that image dominated over sound because there were so many silent moments throughout the movie. I thought the plot …show more content…

I really liked when the scenes where the image and sound both work together great. I refer to the silence as nothingness and feeling alone because that describes the dark silences perfectly. It is definitely the most prominent part in the movie, and I think more movies should try to use silence to their advantage. I absolutely think that the movie uses silence expressively. For one thing, they are in space so there isn’t a lot of noise in the middle of the galaxy, but for some reason when I think back to when there were shots of the rocket ship in the dark galaxy I think of how the film makers made there be no background noise except the ship which was nice because it made it seem very realistic. Usually in movies there is a lot of background music that you don’t notice, but it helps the scene out. In this case the director used silence to make the scenes more realistic. I think of the scene where Matthew McCaughey goes into the dark hole. He was narrating at the time then suddenly you hear dead silence. It made me have a deeper connection with the movie because the movie was silent, but so were my thoughts. When I think back to the movie, I don’t remember there being a lot of music because it all just blended in, then I went back to see if they had anything special about their music I noticed all the different types of music they had throughout the movie. (This is all referring to my discussion post from chapter

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