Sacrifices Of Submission In The White Tiger By Josiah Baldassini

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Sacrifices of Submission
Josiah Baldassini
Balram and Bunt both sacrifice values and relations when they are forced to submit to society.
Book 1- The White Tiger
In the novel The White Tiger, the protagonist Balram is a victim of the oppression of society. The oppression Balram suffers from leads him to sacrifice his values and relations. He is forced to follow the way of the society to survive. He is forced to obey his master’s command, even when unjust things happen to him, such as being scapegoated for a crime. The society also forces Balram to sacrifice his morality by stealing from his master and ultimately leading him to take his master’s life. He sacrifices his family by leaving them and living with his new master in order to make money.

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