Josef Mengele Research Paper

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Have you ever thought about the process in which you’re hair products were made or maybe even who tested your toothpaste to see if it was safe to use? Today labs cannot test on humans directly as there may be a fault in the product, and killing them or injuring them is not a good end result. Humans know many things from testing on actual people of the past. These types of testing most of the time were not done legally. One man who was famous for testing on humans is Josef Mengele.
In the New York Post, it is stated that evil Dr. Josef Mengele was known as the Angel of death. He was intrigued by the idea of identical twins and around 3,000 twin pairs were exposed to his cruel experimentation. He would like to be called "Uncle Mengele", while he traveled around the camp offering innocent children who were starving for food and candy. His experiments included sex-change operations and infecting inmates with lethal germs (Buiso). Josef Mengele was a lunatic, mad with the idea of learning about the human body through experimentation on dead or mostly live human beings. The man was known for having scary eyes and for being very dangerous to be next to if you weren’t on his side. There have been stories of him killing 750 women just because there was a rumor of lice to have broken out into the prisoners in a certain prisoner holding shelter. Josef Mengele was known by thousands of people to be the most eerie individual.
Mengele was a dangerous, frightening, and a cruel man, but in spite of all that he was known as a “Doctor”. Yes, the word doctor is in parenthesis because others thought he was a medical doctor but really had his doctorate in anthropology. He performed procedures that were ahead of his time like twinning people and perf...

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...ause Josef Mengele had anything to do with this? Or is it just a myth? Mengele was a culprit for his own cruelties that he performed. And he will be held accountable for all of the negative acts that he has been put through. Josef Mengele will always be looked at as a negative figure when looking through the past.
Josef Mengele was one of those people who would never learn, never realize the depth on how much he impacted the lives of thousands of people. We tend to ask ourselves sometimes, how can somebody be so evil? How can somebody become so insensitive and immensely evil? He would play the nice guy card to lure young children into his experiments, and convince them that he was paying them a duty. Josef Mengele was the definition of evil. Mengele created such an irritable atmosphere for helpless people and will forever be known as a very destructive individual.

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