John Wayne Gacy: The Worst Serial Killer?

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Walking down the street, one passes tons people saying hello and giving friendly smiles, anyone of those people could be a serial killer. In the United States there are a plethora of serial killers; in Illinois alone there are a number of demented killers, but probably one of the worst, most infamous murderer of our time is John Wayne Gacy. John W. Gacy, Chicago Illinois’ own killer clown, is an infamous killer because of his life events and careers he chose to pick, the terrible murders he committed, and the lasting impact he has. In ‘The Deadly Dozen: America’s 12 Worst Serial Killers (American Serial Killers) volume 1, it talks about his birth and early life. John Wayne Gacy was born in Chicago, Il, on March 17, 1942 to Marion …show more content…

Before the trial a man around the same age of Donald tried to beat Donald up, it later name out that John Wayne Gacy hired the teenager to hurt Donald so he woul not have a chance to testify on the stand. John was found guilty and was forced to serve ten year in Iowa State Reformatory, but was released from jail on June 18, 1970 or being a good prisoner. After prison he moved to Chicago, Illinois and started a contracting company, called PMD, which he used to lure young boys into his house. The first murder committed by John, however, was not in association with PMD. John claims the murder that happened on January 2, 1972 was an accident. Timothy McCoy, a fifteen year old boy, was picked up by John at a Greyhound bus terminal. Here is how the murder happened: McCoy entered Gacy’s bedroom with a knife from the kitchen and Gacy thought the boy was going to attack to Gacy struck first out of self defence and sadly stabbed him to death. When he walked into the kitchen he saw Timothy made breakfast and was calling because of food, not to attack. John then stuffed the murdered body into a crawl space underneath the house. In January 1974 John killed an unidentified boy by strangling him and stuffing cloth into vicum’s mouths so no fluids would leak out. This way of murder led to the way John would kill his other

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