John Steinbeck's The Other Side Of The Hedge

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Most people read stories and don’t really pay attention to the meaning the author is trying to point towards. In the story The Other Side of The Hedge, you can tell what the deeper meaning is from the quotes and main points that are said during the conversation between the main character and the “Old Man”. I feel like this story describes a setting of toady's world and how people are living day-to-day lives on an old dusty meaningless road. This implies back to the start of the story where it says the main character is running on this old dusty road. The main character then gets out of breath so much that it hurts and he decides to sit for a moment. When he does he then feels this puff of air that revives him; this reminds me of the Bible reference …show more content…

He then wakes up cold and wet in a river; such like being reborn and then he is then greeted by the “Old Man”. During this part of the story the main character keeps denying the old man and talks about the other side of the hedge while the old man tells him that the race he came from is meaningless. The old man shows him the gates that's “As white as ivory, which was fitted into a gap in the boundary of the hedge.”, implying that are the gates of heaven. The main character sees the road through the gate and says, “that's my road.”, and the old man says, “but not your part of the road. It is through this gate humanity went out countless ages ago, when it was first seized with the desire to walk.”. This to me is a metaphor saying that humanity gave up and chose to ignore the word of God when we had the want to walk away from him. There is a common theme to the story that consists of denial and prevenient grace meaning that the main character keeps denying as the old man keeps showing him the greatness of this place he is at and not saying you can just go if you …show more content…

Through the rest of the story you can see how the main character doesn't trust the “countryside”, which is portrayed to be heaven. He didn't want to interact with the people there and when they gave him things he would throw it away when he was unseen. He was so insecure about the happiness of the people from the countryside and the place was too good to be true. When he saw a new bridge form over the moat he ran to it and was disquieted from the sight of the dusty road and the dead bushes from where he came. Then a man came from the gate leading to the other side carrying a scythe and a jar of some liquid. The main character takes the jar and drinks the liquid as he says, “It was nothing stronger than beer, but in my exhausted state it overcame me in a moment.” Then as in a dream the old man shuts the gate and says, “This is where your road ends, and through this gate humanity—all that is left of it—will come to us.”. Then as the main character is being laid down to sleep gently by a man he notices that it is his

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